from allergies to eye irritation, indoor pollution is causing more health problems than you might realise - air purifier for dust

by:Yovog     2020-08-17
from allergies to eye irritation, indoor pollution is causing more health problems than you might realise  -  air purifier for dust
Factories that emit smoke, trucks that emit smoke and planes that emit carbon dioxide-for decades, concerns about air quality have focused on what is happening outdoors.
But have you ever thought about the air in your house?
Only 36% of us know the toxic effects of indoor air pollution on our health, but this is related to allergies, skin irritation, itchy eyes, and asthma.
In fact, a study in the United States found that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be five times higher than outdoor levels.
Many sources of pollution are almost exclusively indoor.
For example, as Dr. Andy Whitmore, GP and clinical head of the British asthma association, pointed out: "pollution and weather are the main causes of asthma, but indoor triggers such as gas generated by cooking
The furnace and scented candles are often overlooked.
"Here we deal with some of the common diseases associated with indoor pollution, the causes that may lead to them, and what you can do to deal with them. In Britain, 5.
According to the British asthma Association, 4 million people are currently treated for asthma, and the NHS spends about £ 1 billion a year.
While one out of every seven asthma patients has moved from the city to the countryside in order to avoid air pollution, we still have to deal with indoor triggers.
These factors include mites and other pm2. 5.
5 particles-such a small substance, can only be detected with a microscope-as well as gases such as nitrogen in boilers and cleaning products.
What can you do: "Who recommends outdoor pollution levels of no more than 10 micrograms per cubic meter of pm2. 5.
5 capsules, but in your kitchen-due to cooking gas and burnt food-could soar to more than 10,000, "said Sophie Bauer, CEO and co-CEO
The founder of Airlabs, a team of atmospheric chemists based in London.
"It helps to open the window, but if you have a extractor or range hood, make sure it works and remember to use it.
"As some popular stores, you should also check your cleaning products --
The purchased volatile organic compound containing volatile organic compounds, or volatile organic compounds that are easy to become steam or gas.
"Use solid cleaning products, not spray, to look for products that say they are allergic because they contain fewer chemicals," Dr. Whittamore said . ".
You can also try natural alternatives like baking soda and vinegar to clear the drain and polish the mirror with vodka.
Don't forget your car: "The carbon dioxide content in the car may be 21% higher than in the street," Sophie said . ".
"Your air intake in traffic is right next to the exhaust of the vehicle in front of you.
If you have an air conditioner, press the recycle key when you enter the traffic or tunnel so that the highly polluted air does not enter.
"Pollen particles and mites are one of the reasons for having pollen fever in every five Britons.
The content of grass, trees and weed pollen peaked between the end of September, but some people suffer from perennial allergic rhinitis due to triggers such as dust particles and pet dandruff, symptoms continue throughout the year.
What can you do: GP Dr Rob Hicks suggests opening the window in the afternoon instead of in the morning or evening.
"In the middle of the day, pollen is positioned higher in the atmosphere, so it is unlikely to enter through the window," he explained . ".
It may also be worth investing in a purifier to remove pollen, bacteria and dust from the air at home.
"They should be used in conjunction with other prevention techniques, such as cleaning with a damp duster," Dr. Hicks said . ".
He recommended the Vax pure air 300 air purifier, £ 279. 96.
Finally, please note that it is well known that the new furniture will release VOCs in the years after manufacture.
With headaches and light
These can stimulate the lungs and may lead to respiratory diseases.
Nathan Wood of Ventilation Wood Ventilation said: "The sofa in your lounge should be OK, but in your greenhouse, higher temperatures can cause the fabric to emit VOCs.
"If you buy new furniture, take off the plastic outdoors or in smaller places --
Used rooms to keep the initial concentrated smoke and make sure you leave it in any room for ventilation.
We know that mold can exacerbate breathing problems, but are you aware of this growth found in nearly three families in the UK?
-Can it still affect the skin?
"Exposure can make the skin more vulnerable and sensitive, which can slow cell turnover, disrupt moisture balance and cause inflammation," said dermatologist Dr Thornfeldt . ".
The risk of eczema is particularly high.
What can you do, Dr. Chris esserich, a chemist and herbal expert, suggest: naturally solve mold problems.
He recommended a pussentiel air purification spray for £ 9. 99.
"Laboratory tests showed 99 fewer live spores. 99%.
Nathan added: "People often remove molds with bleach or paint without finding a reason.
Sometimes it's as simple as repairing or installing a draft fan.
As for skin care products, Dr. Thornfeldt said: "Looking for barrier repair and resistance
Characteristic of inflammation.
Itchy eyes, tears or scalding?
It may be caused by indoor pollution.
"Some studies have shown that contaminants in the air reduce humidity levels, which is the cause of dry eyes and related symptoms," said optometrist Sona Thakerar . ".
She added that the carcinogens released when food is burned can lead to structural changes in the membrane sac-the transparent membrane covering the front of the eye-albeit long
The meaning of the term is not clear.
What you can do, says Sona, is: "lubrication eye drops will flush out anything on the surface of the eye and ease dry eyes . ".
"I saw great results from most opticians in the Thealoz series.
She also recommends thoroughly cleaning your face every day, including your eyelids, to remove dust and build up --up.
Avoid burning paraffin candles because they release known carcinogenic VOCs such as benzene and toluene.
"Instead, look for those beeswax-
It will also help clean the air.
"Soy candles are also a safer option," Sona suggested . ".
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