four chandigarh students represent india at london international youth science forum | india news - times of india - solar powered air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-06-07
four chandigarh students represent india at london international youth science forum | india news - times of india  -  solar powered air purifier
Chandigarh: four student delegates from Chandigarh Azem Sharma, namet Braer, Rama Kang, Rubina guratiLIYSF)
Imperial College London.
The theme of the Forum is: "great scientific discoveries", and more than 140 of the 500 participants introduced their research covering a wide range of topics.
All the students at Vivek High School Chandigarh are accompanied by their teacher Poorva Bharti Batra, the team presented a survey study on "the effects of secondary air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and ozone on mental and respiratory health of women and children in slums.
This study included comparing the data parameters to the slum with less exposure to secondary pollutants.
The team also proposed a solution "PV100" to build suggeive on this issue "(Pawan Vayu 100)
: Low cost solar air purifier.
The judges appreciated the use of the research methodology for the project and presented the information and results in a clear and concise manner.
This is one of ten other projects that are shortlisted for FameLab and students have to explain the project in three minutes.
The Vivek team was also invited to submit their findings for the Journal of young scientists, the world's only journal of peer-reviewed science for young scientists.
Students also have the opportunity to interact with UNESCO Professor Romain Murenzi and Nobel laureate Professor Ada Yonath in key speeches at the forum.
LIYSF, founded in 1959, aims to gain an in-depth understanding of science and its applications for the benefit of all mankind and to develop more understanding among young people in all countries.
LIYSF, a two-week residential event in London, has attracted more than 500 world-leading young scientists between the ages of 17
In 21 years, more than 65 participating countries were involved.
This year, the students spent two weeks at Imperial College London, where they worked and learned from the world --
Access to lecture courses in research centers and laboratories.
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