For The Few Who Heat Homes With Coal, It's Still King - best electric toothbrush to buy

by:Yovog     2022-04-04
For The Few Who Heat Homes With Coal, It\'s Still King  -  best electric toothbrush to buy
Every few weeks, John Audo does something unusual for most people living in 2019 --
He stopped at a local hardware store in rural northeastern Pennsylvania to buy coal for heating.
He recently bought 400 pounds of coal for about $56.
This will keep his 2,400. square-
In a few weeks, the house on the feet is baked 70 to 72 degrees.
"This is the whole fascinating part, right here," said Ord . " He carried 40-
He smashed a few bags of Penn coal behind his white wagon.
When he came home, Ord dragged the coal to his basement, where he tore open a bag, lifted it up high, and loaded it into the hopper on his coal back. burning stove.
This is much more than most Americans with gas or electric heating do to keep their homes warm.
They just have to set up a thermostat.
But Ord says it's actually less work than the wood stove he replaced last fall.
Between the cuts [wood]
"Stack it, let it season, move it to the space you need to enter, and load the stove," said Ord . " Wood needs more processing. Ord's coal-
When it was cold that day, the stove was burning 24 hours a day.
He liked the constant heat it sent out and said it was cheaper than his other options --
Oil and electricity.
While most power plants across the United States burn asphalt coal, northeastern Pennsylvania is very proud of its anthracite coal, which is more shiny and hard than you think.
Ord says it also burns detergent.
To prove it, he went outside and pointed to a white chimney.
"There's no smoke at all.
It has no taste, "said Audo.
However, according to the Energy Information Administration, it is true that burning anthracite emits more carbon dioxide per unit of heat than any other fuel.
This makes it a contributor to climate change.
Supporters of coal and coal point out that it has lower sulfur content than asphalt coal, but environmental activists say cleaning does not mean cleaning.
"It will still emit fairly dangerous sulfur dioxide, as well as heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury," said Tom Schuster, the "Beyond Coal movement" at the Sierra Club.
Anyone who cares about their contribution to climate change should avoid heating with coal, he said.
Those in the anthracite industry countered that the industry was so small that it did not contribute much to greenhouse gas emissions.
"It's not us if you want to see the world's major producers of carbon dioxide," co-
Owner of leisure line furnace company located in Pa Berwick.
"Even if our sales have quadrupled now, it's not a problem.
"When looking for a new generation of customers, there was a time when coal was the king of the family --
Heating business.
More than half of the United States in 1940S.
According to the Census Bureau, houses burn coal.
It is a big business and part of the culture, and advertisements from coal companies are often heard on the radio.
Listen to a 1953 Blue Coal radio advertisement here:
Credit: Penn Museum of History Committee/Penn Museum of non-smoking heritage)
After decades of decline, fewer than 130,000 households are heating with coal today.
Half of them are in Pennsylvania, where the state's coal industry wants to push this forward.
It has a plan to attract more customers.
Atkinson is one of the leaders of the campaign.
In 2009, he bought a leisure line with a business partner and said he entered the coal stove industry after experiencing a friend's stove.
"When I opened the door, I felt the warmth I had never had before. . . .
"I was hooked at once," Atkinson said . ". Talk to coal-
Hot advocates in Pennsylvania, you hear this over and over again.
There is no heat as strong as coal.
It is clear that many people in northeastern Pennsylvania have an emotional attachment to this fossil fuel.
"The people you are here, their greatnessgreat-
My grandfather was a miner.
Their grandfather was a miner.
Andrew Meyers, sales manager at Blaschak Coal Corp, said: "This is a mining family . "
His company is also leading activities to attract new customers.
"This is mainly about the growth of domestic market share --
"The heating industry," said Atkinson.
He hopes to attract a new generation of customers through such information that if they choose coal, they can save the cost of heating at home. In Reading, Pa.
Kelly Brown welcomed the campaign.
Her family's business, F. M.
Brown's sons, who have sold coal for nearly a century, are among the few who have survived the coal industry recession.
"There are about 50 coal companies in this area.
"Slowly, they start closing one by one," Brown said . ".
Now there is only her company left in box County.
The industry has improved its environmental record over the years, she said.
Pennsylvania is the first state to pass a bill to solve the abandonment problem.
Today, coal companies like to work in this area.
Given Penn's abundant coal reserves and increased focus on improving the environmental record of coal, Brown hopes the coal industry will make a comeback.
"I may not see it in my lifetime, but I think things will get better," she said . ".
So far, this trend has not benefited Brown.
Even in Pennsylvania, the number of households heating with coal continues to decline.
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