flying with cleaner air in mind - air cleaner in car

by:Yovog     2021-05-29
flying with cleaner air in mind  -  air cleaner in car
Nick Eisen from CNN--
Host = new string (location. hostname); host = host. toLowerCase(); if (host. indexOf("edition. ")! = -1 ){document. write(
Friday, June 4, 2004: 0617 GMT (1417 HKT)'); }else {document. write(
Released on Friday, June 4, 2004: 2: 17 EDT in the morning (0617 GMT)'); }//-->(CNN)--
If you 've ever been worried about the contribution of business travel to global warming and climate change, what you can do now to offset this.
More and more environmental organizations allow air travelers to contribute to the cultivation of trees that absorb carbon dioxide.
Emissions make travel "carbon neutral ".
"Airlines do not contribute to any formal system that offsets environmental damage caused by air travel.
There is no tax on aircraft fuel. Until non-
The choice of fossil fuels becomes a more realistic choice, and personal compensation provides one of the most practical ways to combat the effects of air travel pollution.
"We calculate the impact of carbon dioxide. . .
Car Rental and even airline.
"We worked out how much greenhouse gas a campaign produced," Dan Morrell of the Future Forest told CNN . ".
"Then we compensate by planting long-standing natural forests, native plants and investing in green technologies such as low energy bulbs.
"Air travel is one of the most polluted modes of transportation. Even a short-
The carbon dioxide generated by long-distance flights is equivalent to the average carbon dioxide emitted by motorists within a year. For each mile (1. 6 km)
One pound by jet (0. 5 kg)
Add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
The short flight is about 0. 6 tonnes (0. 59 tons)per person --
Planting a tree can balance this.
The long flight from London to Australia takes five trees.
And a 1 car.
An average 8-liter engine of 12,000 miles a year will set you back eight trees.
Aircraft emissions account for only 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions, but that percentage will rise.
In Britain alone, air travel is expected to double by 2030, according to the Department of Transport.
Many websites now offer calculators that allow travelers to express their travels with trees and donations.
The organization includes future forests, Climate Care, Dutch climate business and ppm in Germany.
In the United States, travel-organized trees receive donations to offset travel pollution.
Travel agencies such as Better World Club also offer carbon compensation, and you can now rent eco-
Friendly car for electric car rental car.
However, not all environmental tourism problems are not
Profit-making organizations and critics warn that the process of offsetting carbon emissions is an easy way to pay for clean conscience ---
But it still does not limit our pollution activities.
"We must remind ourselves that the Forest of the future is a profitable company, not a charity," a spokesman for Friends of the Earth said . ".
"The projects they started aren't necessarily eco-friendly or sustainable, and this quick solution doesn't really help us.
"Two years ago, delegates from government and environmental organizations traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa, on carbon-neutral flights to attend the World Summit.
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