Five Things You Need to Know About Your Teeth - kids electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-10-23
Five Things You Need to Know About Your Teeth  -  kids electric toothbrush
You know the basics of your teeth.
Things like this: teeth are easier to chew food and it is important to brush your teeth.
But how much do you know about these pearls and enamel wonders in your mouth?
Here are five things you need to know about your teeth.
It may change your opinion on oral health: 1)
The truth that your teeth tell you.
Without saying a word, your mouth-more specifically, your teeth-will tell you a lot about you.
Checking your teeth can reveal your age to well-trained professionals, as well as the food and drinks you often eat.
In some cases, your teeth can indicate where you live in the world!
More importantly, your dental condition can cause other medical problems.
According to the Mayo Clinic, "There is also a strong correlation between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and there is evidence that people with diabetes benefit from professional tooth cleaning.
Although oral health is not the key to heart disease prevention, it is important to take care of your teeth and gums. "2)
Dental floss is also important.
Brushing your teeth is critical and it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time.
However, most toothbrushes are not able to enter between teeth, food is trapped between teeth and bacteria build up-which can cause gum and tooth problems later on.
Using dental floss and rinsing is one of the effective ways to get to those hard placesto-
The area between teeth.
Thorough cleaning can also be done in your dentist's office.
In addition, these cleaning can remove plaque, stains and tartar build-ups that cannot be solved by a regular toothbrush or an electric toothbrush. 3)
You can chew gum to prevent tooth decay.
Chewing gum has good news and bad news.
First of all, bad news: you may have heard this before, but it's worth repeating. Sugar-
Regular chewing of the full gums can lead to tooth decay and may also lead to other oral health problems.
Even some mint gum for fresh breath is rich in sugar.
In general, chewing gum can be bad for people wearing braces or people who often bite or bite their teeth.
Chewing gum can loosen the braces or get stuck with the wires, sometimes causing sugar to pile up, leading to tooth decay.
Chewing games worsen the problem of grinding/biting teeth.
The good news: If you don't have braces or teeth
Grinding/gnashing problems, while keeping your tooth decay, there is also a way to enjoy chewing gum!
Yes, it is, but there is a problem.
"If you can't imagine a life without chewing gum, be sure to look for sugar-free chewing gum --
Or better yet, a sugar-free gum that contains xylitol (
Natural sweeteners).
Look for an ADA approval seal indicating that the dentist recommends gum, "said Dr.
David Evans
In fact, chewing sugar
Free chewing gum helps to increase saliva (
See the benefits of saliva listed above)
Evans wrote in a recent blog post. 4)
Saliva is good for your teeth.
Talking about saliva can leave a bad taste in your mouth-of course, symbolically.
But what most people don't realize is that saliva plays an important role in tooth repair, helping to keep the teeth strong and healthy
Mineralization of enamel.
Saliva cleans the mouth a little and rinses away the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
On the contrary, dry mouth will stimulate tooth decay.
In this case, it can be helpful to drink a lot of water and use dry mouthwash if necessary.
Dry mouthwash is different from mouthwash and is not a replacement for brushing your teeth twice a day for a total of four minutes.
If there is a dry mouth, please consult your dentist. 5)
Not all tooth whitening techniques and products work in all cases.
It makes sense that whitening does not work for veneer (
Cover a layer of material on the front surface of the tooth)
, Filling, cap or Crown (
The one covering the whole tooth).
But not all discolored teeth respond to various whitening treatments.
According to the American Dental Association (ADA)
On the oral health website, the bleaching reaction is likely to occur when the teeth are yellow.
But Brown teeth may not respond either, and gray teeth may not turn white at all.
If tooth discoloration is a side effect of a drug or tooth injury, bleaching will not work well either.
Consult your dentist before starting any whitening program.
Now that you know these "dental truths", you can improve your dental hygiene and dental health better!
Don't forget to visit the dentist regularly for examination and cleaning.
Do not wait until tooth pain or gum problems before making an appointment for dentistry.
ADA recommends one or two dental visits per year, increasing the number of visits during the year as required.
Between visits, remember to change the toothbrush about every three or four months, or when the bristles are worn out.
Take care of your teeth now.
Save yourself some time, pain and money by proactively maintaining your oral health.
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