five things to know about delhi's toxic smog - air purifier filter

by:Yovog     2022-12-07
five things to know about delhi\'s toxic smog  -  air purifier filter
New Delhi -
On Tuesday, India's Supreme Court gave the authorities two days to work out a plan to deal with the choking smog in Delhi, triggering a "emergency" for the health of the world's most polluted capital"
Pm2. 5 concentration on Tuesday. 5 -
Fine particulate matter is associated with high incidence of chronic bronchitis, lung cancer and heart disease
372, which is the level at which U. S. Embassy measures consider "dangerous", but fell from Monday.
Regarding the smog problem in Delhi, here are five things to understand: What is the risk of smog?
With the arrival of winter, the air quality in New Delhi is usually deteriorating, especially after Diwali, where millions of revelers have let off heavily polluted firecrackers, which are captured by cool temperatures
The capital is also affected by dusty winds from the dry west, crop stubble on farms around the city is burned, and smoke from fires used in poor areas for heating and cooking.
According to the World Health Organization's 2014 survey of more than 600 cities, Delhi is the most polluted city.
Why is the situation getting worse?
With thousands of migrants arriving in the capital each year, the population of Delhi continues to grow rapidly. Dust-
Leading construction sites, industrial emissions and coal
Coal-fired power plants have contributed to the increasingly harmful air.
As revenue grows, nearly 10 million cars are scrambling to find space on Delhi's roads, and car sales are also growing significantly, fuelling the smog left by thousands of diesel --
A roaring truck in the capital every night.
What is being done to solve this problem?
Delhi authorities closed schools for three days on Monday, banned all construction work for five days, and temporarily shut down a coal company
Power plants near the capital.
It also prohibits the use of firecrackers, but says it can be used in religious activities.
Not at the wedding.
The authorities are also considering cloud services.
Before 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing used sowing techniques to remove air.
Last year, higher taxes were imposed on diesel trucks, while temporary driving restrictions introduced in January prevented about a million cars from hitting the road in two weeks.
Last month, the city government announced plans to install air purifiers and smog.
Make devices at major intersections to curb choking pollution.
But the Delhi government is unable to stop crop stubble burning near Haryana and Punjab, which occurs at the end of each harvest.
What is the economic impact?
According to a survey released by Indian business firm ASSOCHAM on Monday, five to 10% of workers in the capital have been sick with breathing problems in the past week.
ASSOCHAM also warned that continued poor air quality could affect tourism.
"Issues related to the environment and air pollution may harm Indian brands," said DS Rawat, secretary general of the Indian Association.
A 2013 World Bank study said air pollution and other environmental degradation cost India $80 billion a year, or about $5. 7% of GDP.
What does this have to do?
Health advice warns Delhi residents of a "serious risk" of breathing problems and says all outdoor sports activities should be avoided.
People, elderly people and children with heart or lung disease should stay indoors and maintain a low level of activity.
According to a study published by the United States in February, air pollution killed five people.
More than 5 million people worldwide die each year, more than half of them
Develop China and India.
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