Fire brought under control, one worker hurt after blast at Syncrude site north of Fort McMurray - top air purifiers

by:Yovog     2020-09-05
Fire brought under control, one worker hurt after blast at Syncrude site north of Fort McMurray  -  top air purifiers
Fort McMurray —
After the explosion, one person was taken to hospital and caught fire at an upgrade plant on Lake milder Reid, Canada, 40 kilometers north of Fort McMurray.
Will Gibson, spokesman for Syncrude, said the fire started before two o'clock P. M. m. Tuesday.
Alberta Health Services confirmed that a patient at the Northern Lights Regional Health Center was seriously but stable.
Paul pommerleau, who works on the Syncrude site, said colleagues outside heard a "big bang ".
When he went to see it, he saw "black smoke exploded" and was then taken into a lunch room waiting for evacuation.
Another worker, who declined to be named, said he saw a "huge black smoke" coming out of factory 13"
He said it was a hydrogenation treatment device involving the use of highly explosive hydrogen.
Fortunately, the fire seemed to be under control soon, the worker said, otherwise "you could have a huge explosion.
Syncrude says the fire was isolated and controlled by firefighters before 7 pm. m.
All personnel and contractors should report the night shift as scheduled.
The Buffalo RCMP confirmed that the location was not
After the explosion, the basic staff.
Police closed a lane south of Highway 63.
The bus arrived on site to transport workers without private vehicles.
"The safety of on-site personnel is the top priority of Syncrude," Gibson said . ".
A team from Alberta's energy regulator is on site.
The fire and smoke from the main wind prompted the first nation of Fort McKay to tell the residents to stay inside, close the doors and windows, and open any air purifier.
"If you have chronic lung disease . . . . . . There are at least two days of adequate medication, "the band posted on the Facebook page.
The first country is located 17 kilometers north of the facility, with winds of 10 kilometers/hour blowing in the southeast.
The first country is in contact with Alberta's energy regulator to identify possible impacts on air quality and is observing air monitoring stations in the region.
Syncrude employs about 4,600 employees in the area.
At the time of the fire, no one knew how many people were working on site.
In August 2015, another fire in Lake Mildred reduced production at the facility by about 80.
The fire damaged the pipeline, power and communication lines between the two units of the upgrade equipment.
Normal production resumed in October of the second year.
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