fewer cars not cleaner ones key to tackling air quality - air cleaner in car

by:Yovog     2021-05-30
fewer cars not cleaner ones key to tackling air quality  -  air cleaner in car
A major British government adviser said plans to promote electric vehicles in the UK were not enough to solve the problem of air pollution.
Professor Frank Kelly wrote in The Guardian that reducing cars, not just cleaner cars, is the key to clean air.
Electric vehicles generate particles from tires and brakes, which is related to serious health problems.
Professor Kelly said that London should be promoting
Pollution transport policy.
Just last week, the government announced a strategy to tackle the illegal emissions of carbon dioxide in the air.
The key factor is the commitment to end sales of all new diesel and gasoline vehicles from 2040.
The government said it would-
Low-emission cars, which will be developed and manufactured by 2020, will cost about £ 600.
But according to Frank Kelly, professor of environmental health at King's College London and chairman of the government advisory committee on the medical effects of air pollutants, these steps are not enough.
"We need fewer cars in our city, not just cleaner cars," Professor Kelly wrote . ".
"One problem is that electric vehicles will not reduce the particles fully (PM)
Other toxic pollutants discharged by road transport.
"This is because PM components include not only engine emissions, but also Contributions to braking, tire wear and road wear," he added . ".
As many parts of the country continue to violate legal restrictions, the government has been focusing on tackling carbon dioxide.
However, the level of PM is not higher than the law, although they do violate the safety guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization.
According to the Royal College of Physicians, about 29,000 early deaths in the UK each year are related to particle pollution, while the 23,500 premature deaths caused by particle pollution are caused by nitrogen oxides.
Since some people have been harmed by these two pollutants, the estimated total is about 40,000.
Particulate matter has also been found in the human brain, and it is feared that exposure to PM may play a role in developing weak diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Professor Kelly's view was supported by environmental lawyer ClientEarth, who used the tribunal to force the government to come up with their air quality strategy.
"Electric vehicles can play a role in solving air pollution, but they are not the only solution," said lawyer Anna heselop . ".
"What we need is a comprehensive plan to reduce air pollution in the UK, which the government has so far failed to do.
"In his article, Professor Kelly placed great emphasis on London's role in demonstrating the way forward in other big cities to address these sources of pollution.
With the rapid population growth in London, he said, more and better public transport is needed instead of letting people rely on owning cars and short trips.
He said positive traffic should be "carried out as much as possible in the form of walking and cycling ".
Professor Kelly believes attitudes towards cars are changing rapidly, especially when young Londoners choose to join the car club and take the car.
Not buying a car, but sharing apps.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has promised that future car travel in London will be reduced, with the goal of reducing 3 million people per day from 2041.
In a draft strategy published in June, he proposed to save London's entire transportation system from emissions by 2050.
"Leaving the car at home must be an affordable, safest and most convenient option for Londoners," Mr. Khan said . ".
"With the development of London, this is essential not only to address congestion issues, but also to reduce toxic air pollution and improve the health of all Londoners.
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