feng shui in your bedroom - wall air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-03-11
feng shui in your bedroom  -  wall air purifier
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It is estimated that we spend about 1 out of 3 in the bedroom.
Every night, we sleep for about eight hours on average, the brain will charge and the body will rest.
We dream every night, and what we dream is often determined by what happens around us.
Your personal energy and karma are at the mercy of Bedroom Feng Shui.
If your bedroom is home to two people every night, especially you and your partner, then it is important for your relationship and the energy of love that the room is comfortable for two people.
Don't put the bed in the corner of the room.
Access to the bed-both sides of the bed-must be easy and accessible to both of you.
Never put the bed behind the door, not just a night light.
You need a light on both sides.
It is important to have some kind of balanced equality on each side of the bed.
Each of you must feel equal and respected.
If half of the relationship is not staying at home permanently, but only sleeping there on weekends, it can sometimes be a challenge.
He or she needs to feel like an equal person, not like a homeowner.
If there are two people in the bedroom, then the balance also needs to extend beyond the bed.
The wardrobe in the bedroom acts as the place we will go when we wake up, take a shower in the bathroom and go back to the bedroom to get dressed.
If so, is there only one partner's dress in your wardrobe and both sides of the bedroom must have equal space.
Do you have four basic elements in your bedroom? clean air (air purifier)
Running water (water fountain)
Crystal and Wood (plants)
Believe it or not, if the energy in your bedroom is low and unbalanced, then it can affect your love relationship and even your sex life.
Color plays an important role in your bedroom to achieve the right balance of feng shui.
People don't usually realize that the color will significantly change the feng shui pattern and energy of your bedroom or any other room.
For a bedroom shared by two people, passion and powerful energy are good choices;
So, go and buy a wall or poster painted red, orange, purple, pink and canary yellow.
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