feng shui for your bedroom - bedroom air purifier

by:Yovog     2022-11-03
feng shui for your bedroom  -  bedroom air purifier
By Elaine GIF Wright http://www . way2fengshui.
ComIn created a good feng shui bedroom where you can start by throwing away everything you don't need.
Removing sundries is essential for good feng shui.
Give away, donate or throw away things you don't need.
You will feel more relaxed and the energy will flow freely in your space.
Your bedroom should be very quiet and simple.
A dirty and depressing environment will drain your positive energy.
Pay attention to the first thing you see on the rise, and the last thing you see before turning off the lights.
There is clean fresh air circulation in your bedroom.
Please use the air purifier if there is no fresh air.
You shouldn't have any gadgets or electronics with your own magnetic field.
These areas are associated with negative energy and affect our immune system.
If you have to carry an electronic device, keep it away from your body as much as possible.
Computer, TV or stereo player.
Should be placed in a closed cabinet while sleeping.
Use soothing feng shui colors to create the ideal balance of yin and yang, so the Bedroom Feng Shui is good.
Don't put the bed under the overhead beam.
Even wall decoration is important.
Keep cheerful images and decorations on the walls of the bedroom.
The lighting in the room should be soft.
Ceiling Lamps should not be used.
You can use two bedside tables or other bedside tables with rounded corners so that chi is nourished before reaching you, not "cut ".
When you sleep, close all the bathroom doors and closets.
Please do not put the fitness equipment in the bedroom!
Any mirror in the room should be round or oval and never put on the foot of the bed.
Your bed should be in command.
For one side of the room facing the door but not straight with the door.
Your bed should be 18 "high so you feel balanced and grounded.
It should be easy to approach from both sides.
You should not use the space under the bed to store things.
Your headboard should be placed on a solid wall and the walls should not be shared with the bathroom or stove.
Have a good rest!
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