Face Ache: The woman who lost teeth for nothing - electric toothbrush for braces

by:Yovog     2022-04-13
Face Ache: The woman who lost teeth for nothing  -  electric toothbrush for braces
It's one thing to pull out your teeth.
It's another thing to have them pulled out because they were misdiagnosed.
But this happened to Ann Eastman, who had a rare disease that caused extreme pain similar to toothache, but in fact related to nerve damage to the face.
The most serious case is primary nerve pain.
From her temples to her lower jaw, the right side of her face
Seriously affected her life.
"I was just standing there screaming and the pain was incredible.
My husband said, be quiet!
The neighbors will call the police!
"Ann can laugh now, but she was daunted when she first experienced a huge facial pain.
Professor Joanna Zakrzewska-
Professor Zak told her patient
This is a very common story.
A patient who is afraid, in terrible and unremitting pain, is often misdiagnosed for months or even years.
At the clinic at Eastman Dental Hospital in London, she saw the patient and studied the little guy
Understand the situation.
Ann is 71 years old, with an average age of 50 or 60-
But it affects teenagers and even children.
Half Moon nerve
We have one on each side of our faces.
Responsible for the feeling of the face and the actions of biting and chewing.
It is believed that the nearby blood vessels can squeeze it as they grow older.
"The compression of the nerves leads to-
It's a protective cover for different types of nerves-
Professor Zak said: "Therefore, you will produce a crosstalk between the nerve bundle that transmits" light contact "and the nerve bundle that transmits severe pain.
Ann Eastman saw her dentist.
He said to come in right away.
He looked at it and gave me x-
Rays and he said I can't see anything, but you have a crown there and I'll take it off in case something happens under the Crown.
"A few days later, Ann was still in pain and she went back to the dentist who advised her to see another expert with a very powerful microscope.
After looking closely at her teeth, he concluded that there was a problem with its nerves and it needed to be pulled out.
"I went back to the dentist and he took out the rest of the teeth because it was like a stump under the Crown.
I got home and waited for the pain to disappear.
But pain still exists-
No teeth, but it is still in the exact position.
Just like many people are looking for answers, Ann starts surfing the Internet.
"I started searching. . .
I looked at it directly before I found this.
I read the article and I said to myself that I didn't get it because it said it was incurable.
After another painful event at Christmas, a new dentist pulled out another tooth.
Ann's dentist called her seven months after her first attack.
He said he found an expert at Eastman Dental Hospital.
She met a colleague of Professor Zac.
"Just as I entered the door, I experienced the most terrible episode.
She sat there holding my hand and said "classic case, classic case ".
I was put on. convulsants -
A drug called carbamazepine.
"This drug may have significant side effects, so it is recommended that patients start at low doses and increase slowly.
"You keep this level when it controls the pain," said Ann . ".
"You'll still get some little jabs when you feel it stops suddenly, especially when you eat.
You can't eat until then, just stir it in one side with a teaspoon.
Chewing can only cause pain.
"It is recommended that patients carry medication with them even during the holidays so that if the pain recurs, they can start taking it right away.
Some patients noticed a seasonal pattern of pain: Keith Ireland had only had primary neuropathy in the winter.
So far this year, he is still in a state of relief.
"There are several triggers: hot and cold food and drinks;
For me, the electric toothbrush I started using triggered a particularly bad event.
I changed the old one again.
"He also had a hard time getting a diagnosis of pain centered on the front of the ear, but his symptoms ended up being controlled by the drug, neurontin gabapentin.
"When I found the effective dose, it did control the pain, although it never had complete control over the pain.
"According to Professor Zakrzewska, the choice of surgery is a rather serious job.
"The biggest surgery to give the longest pain relief is a large neurosurgery operation in the right hand that can give the patient pain --free -
70% of patients feel pain.
Free after 10 years
If our diagnosis is correct, we will find a blood vessel that oppresses the nerves.
"The patient should also be scanned to rule out the more rare reasons --like tumours.
Other options include those that break nerves.
According to Professor Zakrzewska, this is a better option for patients who cannot perform general anesthesia surgery.
These people try to stop the pain by destroying the nerves and transmitting the message.
These programs are much smaller, including-as I call it -
"Cooking" nerves
What is RF heat-
Set, shower with glycerin
Even now we have a new gamma knife.
"Pain relief usually lasts 4 years after these surgeries, but can be repeated.
Patients may suffer from facial numbness or loss of sensation.
"We are still trying to find the reasons for this terrible situation," said Professor Zakrzewska . ".
But there may be hope in the future, she added.
"I'm doing a major international drug trial using a brand new sodium channel inhibitor and we hope that will mean we can have a drug that is more effective in controlling pain and has fewer side effects --
So far, the initial thing seems to indicate that this could be a breakthrough.
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