energy efficiency efforts hurt by red tape, report says - home air purifer

by:Yovog     2022-11-17
energy efficiency efforts hurt by red tape, report says  -  home air purifer
The Clean Air Ontario Coalition says Ontario needs to cut red tape and regulations that hinder energy efficiency projects.
Improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption
No increase in supply
It said in a report released on Wednesday that it makes the most economic sense.
Reason: the energy saving project results at a cost of £ 4.
6 cents per kWh or less (
Large industrial customers).
At the same time, the cost of generating additional electricity for new projects ranges from £ 12.
2 cents per kilowatt hour (for new hydro-
Power Project)
More than 80 cents per kilowatt hour (
Some solar projects).
The alliance says Ontario needs to set "big and bold" targets to squeeze more out of the electricity and gas used in the province.
But it says bureaucratic rules are sending the wrong signals to energy utilities and customers.
One example: Toronto Hydro and other utilities have set up a "Peaksaver" program that allows utilities to briefly turn off household air conditioners on very hot days when demand for electricity surges.
This reduces the need to build power stations that require only a short burst to meet the demand of only a few hours a day for the days of the year. But the take-
The support for this project is moderate.
Only 5 per cent of customers
The Ontario energy commission does not allow utility companies to spend money on hiring students to explain the program door to door and register new customers.
If the project is pushed, it could be as popular as blue box recycling, the report said.
The alliance is an alliance of individuals and organizations dedicated to phasing out coal in the province
More renewable power generation.
The report argues that while protection efforts are hampered, consumers are receiving effective subsidies for the use of electricity during these price spikes.
Spot electricity prices could jump to more than $1 per kilowatt hour, the report notes-but consumers will not have more electricity than the summer peak of 14 cents per kilowatt hour.
Another example: the energy commission has restricted the savings of Enbridge and United gas this year.
By spending more on protection
And charge the cost to the gas fee)
According to the report, these companies may cut customer usage by up to 30 in the next six years.
The report believes that more sensible rates will also encourage savings and efficiency.
The existing water and electricity and gas rates have two basic components: a fixed monthly charge, plus a second volume charge for natural gas used per kWh or cubic meter.
The report believes that reducing fixed monthly fees and increasing volume fees will reward savings and efficiency.
"By investing in energy efficiency, we can reduce our energy bills, increase our GDP, create jobs, reduce federal and provincial deficits, and reduce our greenhouse gases," the report said.
Other suggestions: the government should continue to promote energy efficiency standards for new buildings and new appliances. •All new gas-
The contract for thermal power supply signed by Ontario electric power authority shall apply to the joint project of thermal power.
These projects capture waste heat from the gas
Use it to produce steam for regional heating plants.
Industrial companies should get the same electricity bill as when generators produce kWh to save kWh.
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