ellie’s advice: limit auntie dearest to one guest at sit-down dinner - office air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-09-23
ellie’s advice: limit auntie dearest to one guest at sit-down dinner  -  office air purifier
Q: At our recent baby christening ceremony, we invited close relatives to the family reception after the church.
A stranger came and said that my aunt had invited him to stay and have fun.
There is no extra space on the table, so dinner has to be turned into a buffet.
My grandmother then spilled dinner on her clothes and the sofa.
My aunt said, "you should plan it. down dinner!
The old people can't cope with the buffet!
"My brother later told me that the aunt brought three friends to eat his corn barbecue!
She has a beautiful house but never had friends there.
With the arrival of our second child, how can we avoid duplication of this problem?
Most people in this family joke about it.
We didn't laugh: family humor may be more memorable than the perfect dinner party, but even then, there must be a limit for the dearest aunt, who likes to entertain in the name of others.
Perhaps these special invitations keep her friends in touch with her.
Assign one of her guests and make it clear that there is no more space in the seatdown dinner.
Entertainment tips: Keep folding cheap
The card table hidden in the closet can be pulled out because you don't want to be rude to who.
Q: I am allergic to perfume. Most of my co-
After my explanation, workers have avoided using fragrance products, but people don't seem to care.
When I approached her, she complained to the assistant manager, who spoke to the manager, who asked me not to talk to her again about it because she was "upset ".
"Even though I am an allergic person, she has made herself a victim.
She was easy to cry, and the assistant manager couldn't deal with a crying woman, so he calmed her.
The manager will not implement fragrance-
Free policy, but let me remind him so he can smell it himself and talk to her.
The assistant manager will tell her so she won't be angry again.
Now, the day the manager is in the office, she has no perfume!
When he was away, she was full of fragrance. My co-
The staff who didn't like her strong scent didn't dare to say anything because she asked the assistant manager to wrap her little finger around.
I am the only one who is not afraid to say
I thought about working from home, but it's not ideal for my job.
I have changed the table to as far away as possible.
My doctor is not very willing to help me because my symptoms are not serious enough.
But the situation is getting worse because of continued exposure.
Smelly DilemmaA: for immediate relief, set up a small fan or air purifier on your desk to relieve the smell.
If feasible, consider working from home on days when the manager is away.
Then, no matter what symptoms you have, your doctor should be willing to write a list of those symptoms and the possibility of a heavier response as exposure increases.
This statement should be submitted to the two managers (
Her tears were short, with a verbal warning
You lived a long time when you were allergic. term).
You should also get information about labor.
Relationship policy within your jurisdiction.
Of course you have the right to bring this to humanity.
If your company or parent company has a resource department.
Try to keep your sense of humor
As long as possible, the quirks that threaten the family.
Read Ellie from Monday to Saturday.
Email Ellie.
Ca chatted with her at the star at noon on Wednesday.
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