Electric toothbrushes not always better - best electric toothbrush on the market

by:Yovog     2022-02-24
Electric toothbrushes not always better  -  best electric toothbrush on the market
According to a study published by the Cochrane Library, manual toothbrushes are as good as electric toothbrushes.
A review of 42 trials showed that in most cases, the plaque removed by a manual toothbrush is as much as the more expensive electronic toothbrush, and has a protective effect on inflammation of the gums.
The study, led by Professor Peter Robinson of the University of Sheffield, claims that the only electric toothbrush that is more effective than a manual toothbrush is a toothbrush with a rotating function
Oscillation head.
It also found that only the round head brush moves in one direction for a quarter and then returns to a quarter, cleaner than the traditional toothbrush.
Professor Robinson explained, "people who don't have a rotating electric toothbrush --
The swinging head should not be worried because it will not do any harm to them.
However, if they buy an electric toothbrush to keep their teeth as clean as possible, it's worth investing in a rotating toothbrush --
Oscillation head.
The authors of the report claim that people may waste their money on toothbrushes that they think will clean their teeth better, while much cheaper traditional toothbrushes can do the same.
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