Effects on patients with asthma of eradicating visible indoor mould: a randomised controlled trial - air purifier for smoke

by:Yovog     2020-01-05
Effects on patients with asthma of eradicating visible indoor mould: a randomised controlled trial  -  air purifier for smoke
Whether there is a causal relationship between respiratory symptoms and indoor mold is unclear.
A randomized controlled trial was conducted to see if asthma improves after indoor mold removal.
Methods: The home of asthma patients was randomly divided into two groups.
In a group, remove the indoor mold, apply the fungicides, and install the fan in the attic.
The control group was delayed for 12 months.
Questionnaires were conducted and peak tidal flow rates were measured at baseline, 6 months and 12 months.
Results: 80
The intervention group allocated one house and 83 in the control group;
Follow-up services were provided by 95 participants in 68 intervention rooms and 87 participants in 63 control roomsup information.
The variability of peak tidal flow rate in the two groups decreased, and the difference was not statistically significant.
At 6 months, more people in the intervention group showed a net improvement in breathing effects activity (
The difference between groups was 25%, 95% CI 3% to 47%; pu200a=u200a0. 028)
Improvement of perceived breathing (
52%, 95% CI 30% to 74%; p
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