Effective Home Remedies to Treat and Prevent Gingivitis and Periodontal Gum Disease - oral water jet

by:Yovog     2021-08-29
Effective Home Remedies to Treat and Prevent Gingivitis and Periodontal Gum Disease  -  oral water jet
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Many American adults suffer from some gum disease.
Gum inflammation can cause swelling of the gums, often bleeding when brushing teeth.
This is a mild gum disease, but it may be the beginning of a more serious gum disease
Or periodontal disease).
Periodontal disease can cause teeth to fall off, so you should take any signs of gum disease seriously and take measures to prevent and treat gum disease.
Fortunately, you can use some effective home therapy to prevent and treat gum disease.
Toothbrush: use an electric rotary toothbrush.
On average, the amount of plaque they remove is more than twice that of a regular toothbrush.
You should also use two toothbrushes, or removable toothbrushes, and use them for backup toothbrushes (
This makes them dry between use).
Effective oral hygiene: 3-should be taken-
5 minutes twice or preferably three times a day, concentrate on brushing your teeth and using floss.
Gum inflammation begins around the gums
The line that the plaque often accumulates.
Unfortunately, we often can't brush the area effectively.
When brushing your teeth, you should hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees.
In this way, your toothbrush can not only clean the teeth, but also clean the gums.
Avoid scratching with a toothbrush, but gently vibrate your teeth and gums with a toothbrush.
You should use mouthwash containing domifenium or cetane-based pridinium chloride.
Studies have shown that these chemicals are active components that reduce plaque.
To remove bacteria and toxins, scrape your tongue clean.
Use blunt things such as small spoons or tongue pressing boards. Scrape it 10-
15 times from back to front.
Or brush your tongue with a toothbrush.
Rinse teeth and gums with water using oral Flushing equipment.
You should aim at the water spray between the teeth, not the gums.
Massage and stimulate the gums: massage the outside of the gums with your thumb and index finger to stimulate blood circulation in the gums.
The rubber or triangular gum stimulant is more effective in massaging the gums than a simple toothpick, while also cleaning between the teeth.
Place the tip between your teeth and aim upwards so that the stimulus will be 45 degrees angle to your gumsline.
Use circular motion to move it for a few seconds and then continue to move the rest of the teeth the same way.
You can try different treatments: Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and water in a 1:1 ratio.
Rinse thoroughly with it for about 30 seconds, three times a week.
However, don't swallow it.
This will help reduce the accumulation of bacteria.
Brush the gums with aloe vera gel.
Aloe vera can not only cure dental plaque, but also reduce dental plaque.
Mix it with baking soda and some water into a paste.
Apply with your fingers (
A short paragraph)along your gum-line. Then brush.
This will clean, Polish and deodorant while neutralising harmful acidic bacteria.
Take steps to improve your bone strength: your jaw will become brittle and contract due to periodontal disease, so you should eat a lot of calcium-rich foods to encourage strong bones --
Dairy products, dark green vegetables, salmon and almonds, for example.
Calcium supplements are also helpful.
Some supplements designed to increase bone strengthxa0Contains calciumxa0Add magnesium, vitamin D3, and vitamin k2.
These added ingredients are believed to help absorb calcium more effectively.
Smoking can also cause problems with fragile bones, so you should quit smoking if you smoke.
Also make sure you get enough exercise to make your bones as strong as possible.
Take vitamin C supplements: this will not cure your gum disease, but it can help you stop bleeding from your gums.
Eat raw vegetables every day: hard, fiber-clean food that stimulates teeth and gums.
Lifestyle changes: unhealthy living habits can adversely affect the gums.
Factors such as stress, exposure to toxic chemicals, and smoking and drinking (
Take vitamins and minerals from your body that are essential to good oral health)
May be the cause of gum disease.
Analyze your lifestyle and make the right changes.
People with increased risk of gum disease: some are more prone to gum disease than others. Diseases (
Such as diabetes, AIDS, cancer, etc)
Hormonal changes, prescription treatments and medications and genetic effects in women can all lead to gum disease.
Please talk to your doctor and/or dentist if you are worried.
Warning: If you have a lingering tone;
Notice that your gums are shrinking (
You noticed your teeth on May 1 because this one looks longer);
The way you feel your teeth bite together is different from the normal teeth, or the way the dentures fit with the remaining teeth;
It is found that a pus bag is forming between the teeth and the gums, or the teeth are loose or falling off, then you should go to the dentist as soon as possible.
It's always wise to get early advice from your dentist.
He or she can make the right diagnosis and will give you proper advice.
If your gums are still swollen and continue to bleed, you should also go back to the dentist, although you are trying to prevent and treat early signs of gum disease with these family therapies.
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