Economic and Social Council Panel on Evidence-Based, Timely Humanitarian Decision-Making Spotlights ‘Enormous Potential’ of Facebook, Twitter, Cell Phone Data - the best toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-25
Economic and Social Council Panel on Evidence-Based, Timely Humanitarian Decision-Making Spotlights ‘Enormous Potential’ of Facebook, Twitter, Cell Phone Data  -  the best toothbrush
Substantive session of the Economic and Social Council 2012AM & PM)
Economic and Social Council panel of evidence
Timely humanitarian decisions
The spotlight on Facebook, Twitter, and the mobile data committee has also held special events on the international Internet.
The Standing Committee of agencies initiative to strengthen the effectiveness of the humanitarian system and help those most in need in complex crises --
Caused by conflicts, extreme weather or natural disasters
The Economic and Social Council heard today in its dynamic panel discussion on improving evidence capacity that humanitarian actors are required to better utilize, validate and share information from various sources throughout the programming cycle
Decisions based on humanitarianmaking.
Presided overSecretary-
The Valerie Amos Group, director-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, reviewed how humanitarian needs were identified and how capacity was
Particularly at the national level-improvements can be made to better inform interim decisions in the event of an emergency.
In order to best align resources and relief efforts with the needs of the people, humanitarian policies are increasingly based on evidence gathered at each stage of the action.
How can governments, the United Nations and other humanitarian actors better use this evidence to coordinate their work?
The deputy president of the council provided the background in his opening remarks
President Fernando Arias (Spain)
In preparation, he said, governments and humanitarian organizations needed data in order to be able to quickly identify locations for key services such as health and water.
During the crisis, the demand is constantly changing, and the effective allocation of resources requires regular recording and verification of information about these needs.
"Unless we understand the scope and type of humanitarian needs as quickly and accurately as possible, how can we raise the resources needed to address them, including operational capabilities?
"In response to these issues, the panelists, Patrick Mel, director of social innovation at the Computing Institute of the Qatar Foundation, said that new technologies are providing information that could be evidence of decision-making --making.
Libya used crowdsourcing during the political crisis.
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has launched a backup volunteer task force to create a real-time crisis map from social media (
Twitter and Facebook)
And other Internet sites, and then sort out the relevant information.
He said that "public broadcasting" was a similar technology that had been tested in the Kivu region of Congo (King.
"What we need to do now is work together to help distribute this information in other parts of the humanitarian sector," he said . ".
Global Pulse of the United Nations
An initiative dedicated to the use of new data technologies --
Office of Humanitarian Affairs and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Efforts are under way to get these platforms to work on the ground.
The Minister of Information and Communications of Kenya, Samuel Losuron Poghisio, said that for their part, the government must be willing to accept open governance and open data.
The data is usually collected, but it is difficult to find because it is stored in many different formats and locations and has to be brought to the Center for use.
That's what Kenya's open data initiative, launched last year, makes it easier to track everything from malaria, education to poverty in order to better guide funding.
He added that users of open public data include Eduweb, which maps educational facilities across the country, as well as county score cards that rate regions based on their general service quality.
The company is also using it and is now helping in an emergency.
"Open data is not only for efficiency, but also for transparency and accountability," he said . ".
"This is where the government is worried.
"The panelists, Hans Roslyn, chairman of the board of directors of the gap minder Foundation, agreed that" database embrace barriers "allowed people to stick to data like toothbrushes.
This is understandable, but governments, organizations and individuals must make bolder decisions like Kenya does.
No mobile phone coverage may be the best indicator of poverty in the world today.
He also alerted the United Nations that there was no formal definition of developing countries.
"This is important when dealing with emergencies," he said . ".
"We must have a basic understanding of the differences within countries.
"In the ensuing debate, the delegates of governments and United Nations agencies agreed on the need to follow humanitarian decisions --
In preparation and response
There is evidence that a common understanding of humanitarian needs is essential.
However, there were differences on the issue of forming evidence.
The Syrian representative said that YouTube and other social networking sites could not be used when making decisions on humanitarian assistance, it also asked the panelists if Facebook and other such sites had the credibility to help humanitarian actors make decisions.
"How do we determine [the data]
Is there any necessary credibility that has not been manipulated? ” she asked.
At this point, the representative of Haiti asked whether it would be better to strengthen national institutions so that they could take responsibility, especially to share information.
In his response
Rosling agreed that social media was not confirmed.
However, in the absence of access to other data, "you need to take action on this, but be careful ".
It's like "triangle" or use the data with other sources and treat them as "gray shadows" instead of black or white.
"The more data it uses, the easier it will become better," he added . ". Mr.
Maier added that it is becoming more and more complicated for journalists to make triangular measurements of new technology data;
This is the type of verification that they have only used the new platform for many years.
In addition, people leave "digital chip" from their online use, which can be used to look for signs of extremist tendencies and other data falsification.
During a special event in the afternoon, the panelists presented the latest efforts of the international community
Standing Committee of institutions
Key strategic coordination mechanisms among key humanitarian actors --
Make the system more effective. Ms.
Amos said that the reform agenda of the Standing Committee aims to achieve this goal through better leadership, accountability and coordination.
Within 48 hours of the crisis, the principal members of the agency
United Nations head of humanitarian and development
The relevant entity or its representative, and the representative of Oxfam, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other "long-time invitees "(ICRC)
International Center of care
I will have a meeting to discuss the situation.
An emergency humanitarian coordinator will be deployed in the first 72 hours of a level 3 emergency.
The agenda also sets guidelines for cluster operations and establishes a mechanism to monitor "how do we compare our plans ".
The principal has conducted a simulation exercise that will be repeated once a year.
"It's an ambitious agenda, but it's doable," she said . ".
The acting representative of South Sudan to the United Nations, Francis George Nazario, said the government of South Sudan was rolling out a change agenda.
In fact, better coordination should be carried out at each level of action and systematic cooperation should be carried out.
Other humanitarian tools, such as pooled funds, are also important because they can enhance non-
Government organization.
In complex situations, the challenge is to set priorities in order to best allocate resources.
The Economic and Social Council will meet in 10 years. m.
Continue and end its humanitarian affairs segment.
The Economic and Social Council today continued the humanitarian affairs segment of its 2012 substantive session and on "enhancing the capacity for evidence --
Decisions based on humanitarianmaking”.
Another discussion will then be held to introduce the international community to council members
The efforts of the Standing Committee of agencies to make the humanitarian system more effective.
On behalf of today's work, they have a secretary in front of them-
Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations (
Document A/67/89-E-2012/77)
, And notes verbales (
Document E/2012/85)
Letter from the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations to the Secretary-General
General's Executive Office(
For more information, please refer to press release 6538 of the Economic and Social Council for 18. )
There is also a draft resolution of the same name on the table (
File E/2012/L. 11)
Submitted by the vice president of the Council
President Fernando Arias (Spain)
On the basis of informal consultations.
Among other things, the text will cause the council to express serious concern about the increase in the number of people affected by humanitarian emergencies, including those related to natural disasters, which have an increasing impact.
The council will also express its deep concern about the growing challenges faced by Member States and the United Nations humanitarian response capacity following such disasters and emergencies.
Accordingly, the Council will urge member states to assess the progress they have made in strengthening the level of humanitarian emergency preparedness with a view to increasing their efforts, in accordance with the framework for action in the arsenal, update and strengthen disaster prevention and risk reduction measures at all levels.
Tomorrow, the last day of the humanitarian affairs segment, is expected to take action on the draft resolution.
Panel: improving the capacity of evidence
Decisions based on humanitarian
Presided overSecretary-
Valerie Amos, humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, the panel was presented by the Minister of Information and Communications of Kenya, Samuel losulen pogisio;
Hans Roslyn, chairman of the board of directors of the Gap minder Foundation;
And Patrick Mel, director of social innovation at the Computing Institute of the Qatar Foundation.
Opening of the Council vice-president meeting
President Fernando Arias (Spain)
He said, "unless we understand the scope and type of humanitarian needs as quickly and accurately as possible, how can we raise the resources needed to meet those needs, including operational capabilities?
"Today's group will look at what can be done to strengthen the capacity to generate humanitarian evidence at the national, regional and international levels.
During the humanitarian crisis, the needs are constantly changing, and in order to allocate resources effectively, information on these needs must be recorded and verified on a regular basis.
In her speech
Amos says the evidencebased decision-
Production is a worrying topic, because there is a big problem with who owns the data and whether it will be used in a negative way.
In setting out these issues, she hoped that today's group would be able to cause debate.
The purpose is to understand how to strengthen the basis of such decisions --
Especially about who, what and when to help.
She asked the panel to advise how to strengthen the information and data platform to improve the evidencebased decision-making.
The number and diversity of humanitarian actors is not only a challenge worldwide, but also a challenge in ensuring "we participate in a more inclusive manner.
For example, during the 2010 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, more than 250 international and national
Government organizations arrived at the scene within 14 days.
Soon after the disaster, an email
The United Nations central inbox receives mail every minute.
However, the impact of rich information on humanitarian decision-making is "relatively small "--
Production and funding.
To give another example, she said the map of the Libyan crisis last year
Coordinated by the United Nations-
Google and volunteers gathered to gather information from Facebook, Twitter and mainstream media.
The initiative provides a "critical glimpse" of what is going on in the country ".
However, the unverified nature of the information limits its use in humanitarian decision-making --making.
She said that similar things happened in Syria, and she explained that there was no way to verify the facts after the crisis, which kept the information consistent and timely --
Sharing is more important to ensure that appropriate decisions can be made.
National and local governments play a key role in building community resilience, but only if they have the information they need.
Start a panel discussion, sir.
The government must be willing to accept open governance and open data, POGHISIO said.
In order to do so, they have to overcome the fear to make sure that the data is useful.
He said that when discussing the issue in the context of the open data initiative in Kenya, governments collected and published a large amount of information, but the data were often difficult to find.
Kenya has collected a lot of data, but it is in an isolated island.
It is stored in many different formats and locations and must be brought to the central location for use.
In Kenya, he says, opening up data makes it easier for people to find malaria --
Provide them with affected regional and channel resources.
One of the biggest achievements is the constituency Development Fund, which transports resources to areas where funding is needed.
By studying the areas with the highest poverty rate, the government can see which areas need more social work.
"Open data is not only for efficiency, but also for transparency and accountability," he said . ".
"This is where the government is concerned, especially about how information is used ".
Open data enables the government to identify areas where emergency response systems should be concentrated and where they are most needed.
The projected allocation and accountability of the constituency Development Fund also uses public data to direct funding to households that cannot meet their needs.
In a prominent example, he said, Kenyans raised $7 million to help other Kenyans affected by the 2011 drought.
Social media is also being used to raise money.
Among the users of open data, there are educational websites that map the national educational facilities and county scorecard that rate the region based on its general service quality.
He said that in conclusion, Kenya used ICT to serve the rest of the world and noted that the projects in progress in Haiti, which she referred
Amos is from Kenya. led initiative. Asked by Ms.
Mr. Amos, how has Kenya overcome its fears of transparency and accountability and how data is used
With the support of the President, Ministers must listen, Poghisio said.
"We seek support from the top.
To achieve this, you need political will ".
Now, sir.
Roslyn said the decision
The "smart people" of the Swedish government are not manufactured.
"It's the voters, so I have to convince the general public.
"Gap minder provides the public with national data collected from the United Nations and the World Bank and uses animated graphics to show changes in economic trends over the years.
In fact, it is difficult to get data from an organization --
It took eight years.
The data were being sold by the World Bank.
When his organization receives data, it creates animated graphics to show, for example, how the size of the home has decreased over the years.
This transformation has not yet been understood. Some war-
Families in devastated countries such as Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are larger.
Today, few people understand that Syria today is similar to France in the 1960 s and has made the best progress in Millennium Development Goal 4 (child health)and 5 (Maternal health)
And Egypt.
He showed animated graphics of the relationship between income and child mortality, saying: "Money is good for children's health ".
In 1961, for example, Sweden was one of the world's lowest child mortality rates.
But today, the world is completely different.
He also issued a warning that there is no formal definition of developing countries at the United Nations.
"We should not wait for the new world war to define it," he declared . ".
"This is important in dealing with emergencies.
We must have a basic understanding of differences within countries.
He said humanitarian actors must be allowed to communicate with local groups using data sets in innovative ways.
Taking Haiti as an example, some data show that people left the port after the earthquake. au-
Prince of four major provinces: Ouset; Sud; Artibonite; and Grand Anse.
But tracking the user identification module (SIM)
The card data from the mobile phone does not correspond;
This shows that people usually go where they used to celebrate Christmas.
There is huge potential to use mobile data.
In their analysis, those who collected the data thanked the mobile phone company --
No thanks to the United Nations.
"This is a serious disease," he warned, stressing that "database hug disorder" has allowed people to stick to data like toothbrushes.
That's understandable, but they have to make bolder decisions like Kenya does.
No mobile phone coverage may be the best indicator of poverty in the world today.
Global ignorance is one of the biggest challenges to overcome, he noted.
"The public thinks things are the same as they were 25 years ago. ”Mr.
Mel said that the information provided by the new technology can be evidence of decision-making --making. One of those —crowdsourcing —
It has been used in the recent political crisis in Libya.
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs launched a network --
Backup volunteer task force
Create a real-time crisis map from social media (
Twitter and Facebook)
And other websites, and then sort out the relevant information.
Other organizations have also benefited from the map, the World Food Programme (WFP)
And other humanitarian organizations.
Such cooperation is indeed unprecedented, he said.
In Libya, crowdsourcing information is filtered out to reduce the "signal-to—
Noise ratio ", thereby raising awareness of problems on the ground and making better decisions --making.
Another example of a similar technology is "crowdfunding", which has been tested in the Kivu region of Congo (King.
Cell phones were provided to delegates from a number of villages and were trained to report security incidents.
"This is a very successful project," he said . " He pointed out that a lot of data was removed from it.
In addition, he mentioned the third example, which is an example of combining crowdsourcing with "data mining", or automatic monitoring of data for specific topics.
This combination has been successfully used in Syria to monitor human rights violations, deaths and attacks.
"What we need to do now is work together to help distribute this information elsewhere in the humanitarian sector," he said of these complex technologies . ".
Global Pulse of the United Nations"
An initiative dedicated to the innovative use of new data technologies --
Together with colleagues from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
They are working to get these platforms to work on the ground.
A good model in this regard is the American Red Cross, which combines new technologies with the work of digital volunteers.
Another organization, called the Digital Humanitarian Network, is adopting the Red Cross model and extending it outside the United States, he said. He added that the interface of the network may help
His organization, Qatar Institute of Computing (QCRI)
He is looking for ways to extract information from the social media space, adding "another dial" to the humanitarian dashboard ".
QCRI is also trying to create half
He said the method of automatically verifying crowdfunding information.
Another use of crowdsourcing is to create a platform for local users.
Organization or some sort of "match ".
Humanitarian assistance links local resources to local needs.
When speaking on issues and comments, a representative of UNICEF (UNICEF)
Describes specific business challenges that hinder data collection on the ground.
He said that the decisions were made on the ground based on a number of factors;
Most importantly, assistance is provided based on needs assessments and the most effective measures in past emergencies. Cross-
He said that departmental analysis of existing data is essential because information cannot be evaluated in "isolated islands.
He said that UNICEF is investing heavily in its "fair results" system and is working to strengthen its results --
Based on management.
It is focusing on bottlenecks and ensuring that programmes contribute to the expected results.
In this regard, a higher frequency monitoring of a smaller set of indicators is required, with a focus on providing basic services to affected persons.
Many other speakers agreed that a humanitarian decision must be taken --
In preparation and response
There is evidence that a common understanding of humanitarian needs is essential.
The representative of Sweden stressed the need to reduce the "cost per beneficiary", adding that more transparent information sharing, particularly among governments, could improve humanitarian response.
More work could also be done to leverage innovative solutions, especially to empower humanitarian aid recipients, he said.
As with other speakers, the representative of Argentina also asked the panelists to elaborate on the indicators in the context of humanitarian needs.
In addition to these questions, the group also heard some comments from people after the meeting on Facebook.
These include, in particular, concerns that new technologies are "too expensive" and that governments and universities should strive to expand their reach and use, especially during the crisis.
On the issue of indicators
POGHISIO responded that these standards must be standardized and used to provide early warning in humanitarian situations.
He also answered questions about coverage and access, saying the government should reduce the cost of data use and mobile phone calls.
He said the Kenyan government had taken action on the idea. Mr.
The main problem, says Roslyn, is that there is no data coverage in many places.
Texting is very cheap and mobile companies should not subsidize the phone with SMS fees.
An open data platform is needed, and so is the census needed to build it.
When the country is judged from a macro perspective
The level of performance of the Millennium Development Goals does need to be judged at a micro level.
"Don't have any illusions about the reports of the poorest places in the world --
"They don't even have electricity," he stressed . ".
"Mobile phones are not silver bullets anywhere and every time . "MEIER.
More investment is needed in mobile and social media coverage.
However, if there is information in this regard, its use should be explored.
In other questions raised to the panelists, the representative of the European Union delegation asked what incentives governments and organizations needed to share and manage information in a more collaborative manner.
The representative of Switzerland raised the question of data availability and asked: "How do we know that data is good data?
Other speakers, including several who contributed through Facebook, also wanted to know the verification of the data.
That is, the way to political independence and justice.
The representative of Syria said that YouTube and other social networking sites could not be used when making decisions on humanitarian assistance. She asked Ms.
Whether Facebook and other such sites have the credibility to help humanitarian actors make decisions, Amos and other panelists.
"How do we determine [the data]
Is there any necessary credibility that has not been manipulated?
She asked in this regard.
She recalled that a panelist had used Syria as a case study, but the health of the project --
Syrian activists living in the United States have provided relevant data, but they are not accurate.
In addition, she would like to know the information provided at the regional level selected from governments.
Are humanitarian actors working on this information alone, or are they looking for data elsewhere?
She continued that the Syrian government provided a lot of information to the United Nations system during the current crisis.
Undocumented data from Facebook contradicts these documented, verifiable data.
In fact, 16 months later, Syria has seen how the media used information to fabricate false information, such as allegations of the death of a French journalist, allegedly killed by the Syrian government. Mr.
ROSLING agreed that social media was not confirmed.
However, in the absence of access to other data, "you need to take action on this, but be careful ".
It's like "triangle" or use the data with other sources and treat them as "gray shadows" instead of black or white.
In this regard, he added: "The more data it uses, the easier it will become better . ".
When it comes to metrics, he said that in complex emergencies, the best thing to show which data to use is "how to collect them ".
A single indicator should never be used as a gold standard. Mr.
Open data is not necessarily good data, and it is not always a solution, Maier added.
In some cases, this may have an impact on security.
However, he said that "information in the humanitarian situation is perishable" and stressed the need for a prompt decision based on the information available.
However, professional journalists are becoming more and more complex in terms of triangulation data from new technologies;
This is the type of verification that they have only used the new platform for many years.
In addition, people leave "digital chip" from their online use, which can be used to look for signs of extremist tendencies and other data falsification.
Specifically targeting the Syrian representative, he said that the Syrian tracking program uses many sources of information and is careful to use information from multiple political perspectives.
Speaking, paul kokubo, chief executive officer of the Information and Communications Technology Commission of Kenya, said that the data came from various sources.
He said development experts should consider whether the world will merge around certain standards in the data.
One view, he said, was that the standards of transparency for humanitarian organizations were not the same as for the government, and he urged the development of standards for how these data could be released and shared.
Technology entrepreneurs must also be encouraged to expand their services because they have the necessary expertise and knowledge --how to do so.
"The job of creating digital literacy is bigger than we thought," he added . " Media professionals sometimes do not know how to properly interpret digital data, he stressed.
Such training needs to be extended to the community as a whole.
He said that the integration of citizens into society is necessary, even on the issue of humanitarian support.
Also, when converting crowdsourcing data to other sources, the "very interesting new dimension" information was created on any number of issues.
In the next round of questions and comments, Council members welcomed the efforts of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs to ensure enhanced information management and to feed back the findings to the humanitarian programming cycle.
In many cases, some say, the problem is not the lack of reliable data, but the lack of access by humanitarian actors.
Some delegates asked for ideas on how to overcome barriers to limiting access to data and how to better incorporate lessons learned into the programming cycle.
A number of speakers outlined national efforts that were effective in emergencies, and many said that openness and transparency were the way out for the government.
For example, the representative of Italy said that during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Italy was the first country to systematically use text messages to contact Thai Italian nationals for feedback.
This is a great success.
She asked the data-
Sharing will affector orient —
Political decisions based on some evidence that decisions should not be made.
Other speakers urged the United Nations to do more, including the representative of Norway, and wondered how the organization would ensure that priorities were strengthened based on reliable data.
How will it ensure that data is increasingly shared with local decision makers?
In connection with this, the representative of Estonia said that it was difficult to find basic information at the United Nations, noting that she spent half a day looking for someone's phone number.
One question from Twitter feed is whether there is a "harmless" analysis of open data, especially for social media used in complex humanitarian emergencies. Responding, Mr.
Maier said that the Digital Humanitarian Network requires that humanitarian organizations be transparent about who they are and demonstrate that they will use the data provided to have an impact on the ground.
The digital operations center, launched by the American Red Cross, responded to the study, which showed people expected the organization to respond to the crisis.
In cooperation with the private sector, he said dealing with Twitter's terms of service was a challenge, but Twitter wanted to work with the humanitarian community.
For other issues, he said that only accredited humanitarian organizations can enter the real-time map of Syria.
However, he drew attention to the fact that, for example, oppressive regimes and others may eventually begin to crack the risk of humanitarian technology, which is an important issue that needs to be addressed now.
As for the "no harm" analysis of using social media in a crisis, he said his team was working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Work with Oxfam and other agencies to update data security standards.
The reality today is that volunteers are helping the United Nations and a code of conduct must be put in place to ensure that "we are not hurting ".
Innovation is often advanced before regulation can catch up, but efforts must be made to ensure that regulation does not kill innovation. Next, Mr.
Rosslyn urged governments to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.
Sweden, for example, is not good at dealing with earthquakes.
It's not a good idea to send them to the quake-hit area, so the government stopped doing this and began to focus on its advantages: mobile phone technology.
With regard to data sharing, he said that one way to ensure that data sharing works is to have people pay for it.
This creates a shared culture.
Especially in Kenya, the pace and skills of information technology skills are amazing.
He also thanked Estonia for creating Skype in this regard.
In the United States, he said, it is a good idea for some countries to have the same national authority in terms of geography and public statistics, because it makes information sharing easier. Mr.
Before Kenya decides to create an open data platform, it has to invest in converting paper data into digital data, POGHISIO said.
Without that, it would not have made a bold decision to share information with the world.
The data is now being used by the private sector.
"We are a team," he said, adding that the company is now providing assistance in an emergency in Kenya.
Accountability must begin with the government.
IBM will soon move to Kenya to improve technology.
Kenya is also building an "internet City" outside Nairobi ".
"We are open to the world to see us better.
In the third round of questions and comments, delegates asked how to ensure comparability of data and the role of donors in this work.
Other issues focus on how the social and cultural context of the country is incorporated into the government's decision on dealing with crises and developing the necessary cultural awareness in humanitarian decision-making --making.
Others are concerned about how innovative approaches address the limitations of research in very difficult environments.
At this point, the representative of Haiti said that the informal nature of social media had increased the risk of their information being mistaken or false.
He asked whether it would be better to strengthen the capacity of national institutions so that they could take responsibility, especially in the sharing of information.
The Australian representative would like to know how the government can ensure that the right decisions are made in the context of the use of social media.
She also asked local
Government organizations use government information to better respond to disasters.
On the other hand, the representative of Russia asked how humanitarian organizations could provide reliable information to governments so that they could make responsible decisions.
The panelists then responded and made a brief concluding statement. Mr.
POGHISIO said that it took a long time for initiatives such as fighting polio in Kenya before public data were obtained.
Open data has brought more innovation, and technology is growing, he said.
In that regard, he said, "the political decisions we make as a country have paid off" and urged other countries to accept open development data as well.
In addition, the initiative has brought the public and private sectors closer together, he said. Mr.
The United Nations Statistics Division is working to standardize data, says Roslyn.
At the national level, rough estimates are required in the short term, but data at the following national levels are also required.
With regard to the study, he thought it was really difficult.
Data can be provided free of charge;
However, "the academic community is very bad at accepting this research that does not meet their criteria", which hinders efforts.
He said social media could help where UN observers are not allowed to come and verify the data.
"As a government official, I will hesitate to let [
Financial decision-making
He added that based on social media, but I will act on social media, "and finally he suggested that the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs could become" open --
The worst media activist. off countries”.
He said, "I 'd rather know a rumor right away . . . . . . I don't want to be surprised after three hours that this is true . "
Mayr collected data from social networking sites.
As far as the evidence base is concerned, there is little information about work in the humanitarian field, in part because of the lack of funding.
With regard to Haiti, he clarified that the information was not broadcast on the health map;
This is part of a retrospective study that was then used to identify Haitian people talking about cholera symptoms on Twitter.
In that regard, he said those with the relative advantage of social media could work with state institutions.
The private sector is developing complex ways to monitor social media because they are worried about their brand image;
Some of these expertise can be used by humanitarian actors.
The example of "The future is already here" is amazing, and now is the time to help distribute these innovations and "continue learning. Ms.
At the end of the meeting, Amos summarized some of the key issues that emerged in the discussion.
She concluded her remarks with a Facebook user who commented that ICT could change livelihoods and facilitate the agricultural process.
New technologies are not limited to humanitarian uses, but also address the links between the humanitarian sector, development and resilience --building.
Special events for Inter Milan
In the afternoon of the Standing Committee of institutions, the Council special event to update members on the status of international meetings
Thematic panel members of the IAEA Standing Committee's efforts to make the humanitarian system more effective: Francis George Nazario, acting representative of South Sudan to the United Nations;
Martin Mogwanja, deputy executive director of UNICEF;
Vice President Joel Chaney
Chair of humanitarian policy and practice, interaction.
The meeting was chaired by Fernando Arias (Spain), Vice-
Chair of the Economic and Social Council, Valerie AmosSecretary-
Coordinator for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief. Mr.
Arias explained that International
The Standing Committee of agencies is the Global Humanitarian Forum established by a resolution of the General Assembly.
It consists of the main operational relief agency of the United Nations, the international component of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
And International
Government organization. Ms.
Amos introduced key information from the Standing Committee's agenda for change --
A set of agreed proposals aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian response systems.
When she took office in 2010, the humanitarian response community was responding to disasters in Haiti and Pakistan.
Feedback from the field makes it clear that humanitarian actors need to work harder to improve effectiveness, accountability and leadership.
The main members of the Standing Committee began their efforts to consider ways to improve their response to major crises.
She explained that under the Agenda for Change, an interim principal meeting would be held within 48 hours of the beginning of the crisis, adding that in the first 72 hours of the third-level emergency, an emergency humanitarian coordinator will be deployed.
The agenda also sets guidelines for cluster operations and establishes a mechanism to monitor "how do we compare our plans ".
The principal of the Standing Committee has conducted simulation exercises and will repeat similar training programs every year.
"It's an ambitious agenda, but it's doable," she said . ".
As far as the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is concerned, it is working to improve the work of the Office for the coordination of international humanitarian affairs.
Cluster coordination and information management, she added. Mr.
On behalf of the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs of South Sudan, Nazario described the situation there.
The country has just celebrated its first anniversary of independence and once again promises to do better in every effort.
Independence and nation-building are not easy.
The economy of this country is very low.
About one person lives on less than one dollar a day.
Another reality is that, among other challenges, the country faces food shortages and an influx of refugees from Sudan.
In this context, his government is pursuing the reform agenda, which outlines measures to meet the current needs of the country.
At the same time, he said that there should be better coordination in each level of action, and systematic cooperation is crucial.
Other humanitarian tools, such as pooled funds, are also important.
These funds can enhance
Government organization.
The agenda also helps the government take the initiative in humanitarian response.
"The agenda is about the prompt receipt of relief assistance by those affected," he said . ".
He also noted that peace and security in South Sudan face major challenges.
The country has made progress in establishing the authorities, but it is necessary to strengthen the government's capacity in order to be able to protect civilians.
This is the most important thing.
In complex situations like South Sudan, the challenge is to set priorities in order to best allocate resources.
Addressing the challenges within the country is related to two viable peaceful countries living side by side, he said. Mr.
MOGWANJA said International
The Standing Committee of institutions learned a lot from the 2010 level 3 emergency situation in Haiti and Pakistan.
The humanitarian system is now in such a "huge --
Work with the system in particular, not as an isolated actor.
There are clear procedures in place for best response through a decision
The production process will be launched in cooperation with the national government.
The Humanitarian Coordinator and the humanitarian country team will have a clear direction to improve efficiency and transparency.
One of the main features of the agreement is that they should be translated into more predictable, efficient and better allocation of resources;
The international community should be more accountable to affected communities, donors and other stakeholders.
In the next steps, clarification is needed on how this approach can be used in other situations, including long-term and seasonal emergencies. A “shared-
A "cycle approach" should be developed, which will form a framework of how each institution and cluster can adapt to the response.
The commitment to the monitoring results has also been clearly agreed and will be put into work by the end of the year.
Much remains to be done in cooperation with local governments and civil society;
The role of the cluster is also being reviewed.
It is clear that there is a need to look out and engage with key stakeholders.
He stressed that Member States could play a key role in the next phase.
The system must jointly perform performance monitoring to eliminate the further spread of multiple monitoring systems;
It should also participate in planning and jointly identify areas of capacity development.
He said that UNICEF, as a development agency and a humanitarian agency, is fully committed to a joint approach.
As a result of a more consistent approach to the entire programme cycle, the system-
A wide range of emergency response mechanisms have been established in order to provide the best response for large enterprises
Emergency of scale. Mr.
CHARNY introduced what he considered the "broad consensus" of major international civil society organizations on the agenda for change ".
While they recognize the importance of "new actors" and host governments, United Nations agencies and key non-governmental actors, for good or for bad
Government organization-
With the support of the government and citizens
It remains at the heart of emergency response.
He stressed in this regard, "do this well . . . . . . It will have an impact on millions of people ".
The first point, he said, is that "we can do this" if there is the necessary political will ". Non-
Government organizations expect a collective response, work together to improve efficiency and impact, and commit to achieving collective results while moving beyond narrow institutional mandates.
Leaders who can build this collective response are needed.
"We need and expect to have enough numbers and the best people in time in an emergency," he said . ".
He added that the world has learned which regions are most vulnerable, calling for "no more surprises" and better preparation for "inevitable" major emergencies.
In addition, another important expectation is to be responsible for the people affected.
The way the humanitarian community operates should be in line with the need to respond to the beneficiaries of efforts.
He added that it was not possible to continue the system of "sitting outside and criticizing", calling on partners to "fully participate ". Non-
Government organizations also need their senior staff, who need to put their names up for the role of the humanitarian coordinator.
These institutions are also required to attend international conferences.
Rapid response of the mechanism. Non-
He said that compared with many agencies, government organizations have done more work in accountability to the affected people, who can move these positive experiences forward.
The immediate priority now is to turn language into action. If a mega-
The emergency is about to happen now, he said, "it will be a real test of whether all the current conversations are just words ".
The transition is indeed a work in progress, but he is pleased with the changes over the past 18 months.
When the statement began an interactive dialogue, the question was raised that the standing committee's agenda for change was not applicable in disasters as severe as level 3 emergencies.
Delegations also requested clarification that
The government organization of the humanitarian response system, as well as the role of the humanitarian coordinator.
A representative from the European Union said that the agenda focused on the most important crisis, but was asked if it would apply to first-and second-level emergencies.
He also said that one of the challenges was to have a good selection of candidates on the humanitarian coordinator roster.
They must have a good personality and act as a compass of ethics so that the community can develop the necessary measures.
The representative of Spain was one of those who emphasized the importance of accountability and dealing with the "forgotten crisis --
The representative of Germany sought the views of the panelists on how to disseminate agenda information to non-member states
Governmental organizations other than the permanent committee Forum.
The representative of Pakistan asked to what extent developing countries that had suffered major disasters had been consulted in setting the change agenda.
The representative of OfRomania sought feedback from South Sudan, which conducted a "field test" on the agenda for change ".
The former humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan, Leith Grande, also made a statement.
When discussing the change agenda for the first time, she said, some said that if the resident coordinator succeeds, it would be a disregard for the system, not because of it.
The agenda for change is the opposite of that sentiment.
The agenda is sensible, relevant and simple to implement at the national level.
"It's very straight --
In that regard, she said.
It also expressly authorizes the resident coordinator not to turn him or her into a "tyrant ";
Lead appropriate cluster coordination;
It focuses on systems that are critical to the occurrence of reactions.
South Sudan has some areas
Where the change agenda was tested on the ground --
The results have been seen.
The planning process is clearer and is being monitored "on the ground"friendly” way.
Concrete results have been achieved in the assessment, planning, monitoring and funding.
The overall impact of South Sudan, she said, was that partners arrived in areas they needed to reach faster.
Their priorities are correct, they are better able to stop the epidemic, and they are less costly than not implementing the change agenda.
In fact, the agenda saved about the total amount of business expenses.
After showing a short film on the agenda for change
MOGWANJA, who answered several questions, said meaningful changes would begin with coordinating the monitoring of performance and the transparent use of collected data.
Only by showing results can accountability be better achieved.
In ensuring enhanced partnerships for implementation, national-level partnerships need to be strengthened to ensure that all actors are respected and contribute to a coherent humanitarian approach.
He added that the results should continue to be monitored by all supported actors. Mr.
CHARNY's reply to the representative of the United States is that
Government sector, the most important thing at the moment is that international non-governmental organizations
Government organizations with the strongest operational capacity should work on the transition agenda --
Including Oxfam, saving children and caring for children.
On the issue of implementing partners, it depends on each non-implementing partner
Government organizations that ensure that their business partners are aware of the change agenda and the need for joint efforts.
However, they also need to provide capacity and convenience for key local organizations to access these structures.
On the issue of other crises other than Level 3 emergencies, he stressed that the agenda must be "above Level 3 ".
He said the commitments were made outside that level. Ms.
Amos, who was also involved, said that work on the change agenda had begun because of feedback and dialogue from affected countries, assessments of responses, and feedback and dialogue through country teams.
Regarding the role and responsibility of the national government, it is self-evident that the starting point is always to support the government --led efforts.
Each organization has its own implementation plan.
However, an overall"
The "pager" discusses the areas highlighted in the implementation of the system.
She said progress had been made in most of the agreed areas.
Getting partners on the agenda must be part of a longer period of time
A long-term attempt to make the system more inclusive and diverse.
It's not about "banging people" on the agenda, it's about getting them to work together.
It must be acknowledged that performance will improve through the purchase agenda.
In addition, although there are some specific responses
She said that the emergency is that much of the reform agenda is about strengthening the system as a whole.
Following her statement, a representative of the ICRC made a brief statement saying that it was difficult to talk about a "single humanitarian system ".
In that regard, he reiterated the independence of the ICRC Movement, in particular as an observer outside the cluster system and the country team system.
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