doubts on utility persist, but sale of air purifiers soars | delhi news - times of india - better air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-12-25
doubts on utility persist, but sale of air purifiers soars | delhi news - times of india  -  better air purifier
New Delhi: The price is between Rs 10,000 and Rs 1. 5 lakh —
With one of the worst smog incidents in Delhi, their sales continue to rise --
However, there is no conclusion about how effective the air purifier is.
One of the companies that sell air purifiers, track the pollution levels of blue air in your city, claiming a 10-increase in sales-15-
Fold in a week.
"As of last year, personal users in homes and offices had the most inquiries about purifiers.
But this time, we are drawing interest in companies and even schools that are concerned about poor air quality, "Arvind Chabra of the country --
The head of the Blue Air said.
Gulbahar Taurani, head of personal health operations at Philips, said sales of air purifiers in November were 10 times higher than the average in September and October.
"Our purifiers have four layers of filtration technology to remove dust, particulate matter and even allergens from the air," he claims . ".
Other companies that make and sell purifiers have made similar requests.
TOI spoke to the doctor about their views on these statements.
Dr. Arup Basu, senior chest doctor at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said there was no data to prove how effective the air purifier was.
"People with respiratory diseases may still choose them because filtration technology keeps them mentally safe.
But I'm not sure if these purifiers can really breathe toxic air, "said Dr. Basu.
Dr. Randeep Guleria, director of AIIMS, also said earlier that there was not enough data to prove the health benefits of the air purifier.
Dr. Vivek Nangia, director of the lung department at Futong Hospital, said those who can afford air purifiers should go and buy them.
"Some things are better than nothing," he added . "
S. Environmental Protection Agency says the best way to solve pollution is to control it.
"While air cleaning equipment may help to control levels of allergens, particles, or gas contaminants in indoor air in some cases, these equipment may not reduce the adverse effects of indoor air contaminants on health, it said in a report.
Many doctors advocate cheaper methods, such as regularly cleaning houses with the help of vacuum pumps and removing carpets and curtains to improve indoor air.
National Space Administration (NASA (Nasa)
Indoor plants are recommended.
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