doctors question efficacy of air purifiers - plug in air purifier

by:Yovog     2021-02-16
doctors question efficacy of air purifiers  -  plug in air purifier
In the city's worst smog, sales of air purifiers have soared, and even state governments are considering installing air purifiers around the city to maintain air quality.
But doctors have now questioned the benefits of using air purifiers in polluted cities like Delhi.
Curofy, India's largest physician community, conducted a survey asking doctors if urban air purifiers like Delhi are effective.
A total of 1,580 doctors responded to the survey, of which 1,030, or 65.
Air purifiers cannot save the day, it said.
In the absence of research and peers
The doctor said the retrospective study could not say how much the air purifier could help.
Director and method of outdoor pollution in breathing and sleep medicine, Gurgaon Fortis Memorial Institute, PhD
Manoj Goel said: "Air purifiers are used for indoor pollution, which is more common in Western countries.
Outdoor pollution is the main problem in India, so the purifier will not be of much use.
"While air purifiers are effective for particulate matter and smoke in limited areas, there is no research to prove their effectiveness in heavily polluted areas like Delhi.
They're more of a band.
The aid method to save our lungs is useful before we stay at home, but ineffective for cleaning the whole city.
Only 550, 34.
Some doctors say the air purifier can be effective.
Senior Consultant, Sir Gangaram Hospital
"The air purifier has no proven value," Arup Basu said.
They are valid in a sealed house.
We can also use hepa-
Filters used in the industry.
But outside our home, their efficacy is questionable.
"So while most doctors do not fully recognize air purifiers, there is no denying the fact that air purifiers are on the walls of our home.
Meanwhile, director of Dr. Jiva Ayurveda
Xiao Han said,"
Clean house plants such as aloe, bamboo palms, money plants, spider plants, dragon blood trees, pothos and sanseveria are excellent filters for toxic substances in the air.
These plants are easy to grow and maintain and look beautiful.
They absorb harmful gases and pollutants.
The air purifier is a place of indoor pollution. . .
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