Do as I say, not as I do... - most effective toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-07
Do as I say, not as I do...  -  most effective toothbrush
Meet a dentist who can't floss, a personal trainer who never stretches before work --
Go out and reject the stress masters of meditation and nutritionists who don't dream of eating lowfat foods.
Will you follow their advice?
Dentist: Dr. Tom Rands, senior dentist at Boots alcarei, "I brush my teeth two or three times a day (
After each meal)
Use the middle brush every day to clean up the soft debris between them.
My teeth were whitened by five people.
The day "tray system" that you can use at home is very happy with the results.
You can whiten the dentist's chair for more than two or three hours, but since I want to keep my teeth until I am 100, I prefer to treat them gently.
"I don't", I don't use floss because I find it impossible to get to the back of my mouth.
I never use a hard toothbrush (
Everyone knows that I use a toothbrush for children).
I am not loyal to a certain brand of toothpaste.
As long as you choose a fluorine-containing (most do)
I think you 'd better choose a taste that is valuable or you like.
I wash my hair every day --
This is the most effective way to achieve shiny healthy hair.
I washed it once, massaged the shampoo onto my scalp, then applied the instant conditioner and rinsed it straight away with warm water.
I wash my face every day
So why should I have my hair?
I won't consider giving my hair 100 brush
This will only wear it out.
I wouldn't be a vegetarian either.
Vegetarian has the worst hair as a group
They missed the necessary protein, especially iron.
Contains food and their hair will become thinner over time.
I drank a lot of liquid and took 1,000 mg of vitamin C to treat a cold, and if I had the temperature I would have taken a pain in my breath.
Glycerin pastel can relieve throat pain, and a bowl of water with a radiator can relieve night paintime cough.
During the flu season, I eat an echinechin every day for two weeks --
And two weeks in the other two weeks-
Enhance my immune system.
"I don't know," I wouldn't bother to take a remedy unless I had a very heavy day and was really squeezed up --
Because they only treat symptoms.
I will not go to my GP if I have a cold or flu because they have nothing to "cure" these viruses for me.
"Cosmetic Surgeon: I'm Mr. Shiva Singh from London Bridge Hospital. " I'm lucky --
I'm 54 years old and never need a cosmetic surgery, but I might consider a cosmetic surgery
Four or five years later, a bag operation was performed.
I don't think it's a good idea to have a facelift before the age of 30, preferably before the age of 50, with the extension of the skin, which means that you only need to take another elevator later.
First of all, you should keep your appearance by not smoking and sleeping and eating.
"I don't", like I prefer to find plumbers through word --of-
Mouth, I will not look up beauty surgeons on Yellow Pages or through professional organizations.
I will find someone who has done a good job with someone I know or ask my GP. I'm very anti-fashion, too -
You have to ask yourself what you personally want to achieve, not what others do.
Dr. Martin Sana, secretary of the digestive disorders Foundation, "I consume two to three liters of liquid a day --
I drink a few cups of tea a day and have fruit salad and soup before dinner.
I avoid sleeping when my stomach is full because it causes heartburn.
If I sleep between eight o'clock P. M. and midnight, I will not eat after eleven o'clock P. M.
I always advise people to make time to sit in the toilet no matter how busy they are.
I have never had a colon rinse;
The idea that people poison themselves through internal organs is ridiculous.
Laxatives do the same thing more or less
Will not damage your bank balance
And I'm not going to overuse fiber.
The granaries bread, grains, green vegetables and fruits are all good, but everything should be moderate.
You should avoid taking fiber supplements unless they are prescribed --
Especially if your system is slow.
The fibers will ferment in your colon, causing swelling.
"Personal Trainer: Catherine Freeland, my absolute fitness Doctor", I always keep my balance when I exercise --
You heard people bragging about 200 sit-ins they did.
But these all need to be combined with other sports or you will have a backache.
You should always do the opposite of any exercise.
Therefore, cardiovascular work needs to work with strength and flexibility, and the triceps exercise the bicep.
"I didn't", I never did pre-Exercise stretching.
I warm up and mobilize my body by imitating the exercise I plan to do --
For example, a quick walk or slow jog, plus some exercises such as kicking
Lift your back and knees before running. A pre-
Exercise stretching can hurt your body if you don't warm up, and it will backfire as it will lower your heart rate and body temperature
And it's boring.
Keep stretching 10-
15 seconds after exercise
"Calligrapher: Lorraine Jones, I like it in terms of the occupational health of the John Lewis Partnership" I was shocked by wearing mostly sneakers or shoes
Soft rubber heel
Our design is not to walk on a hard surface, wearing "protective shoes" can reduce the impact on our feet, knee joints and lower back. I prefer lace-ups to slip-
When they protect your feet
If I wear a pair of boots with a hard heel, I will buy a pair of shock --
Absorbent heel pads placed in the sports store.
High heels are only available for very special occasions.
"I don't" I never use pumice or files under my toes
It is OK to use one on your heel or heel, but the toe is too sensitive;
But moisturize them.
I don't use talc to absorb the extra sweat between my toes.
It could turn into a wet mess.
The surgical spirit of wiping between toes is much more effective.
I never used corn. removing pad -
Wearing shoes will make the shoes slip, and the acid contained in the shoes will affect the skin and the thickness of the skin, resulting in infection.
Please read the doctor.
"Workplace stress specialist: Manchester Cooper, professor of organizational psychology and health at the University of Manchester School of Science and Technology, I like it," and I always put myself in a "vacation" state at work --
I started at eight o'clock A. M. and left at five o'clock P. M. , which gave me some "personal space" time, say, to swim on my way home.
In this way, I will not bring any work problems to my family.
I have lunch with my colleagues, which allows me to take a break from my desk and help me build relationships at work.
"I don't" I hate the idea of doing "relaxing" meditation or massage at my desk.
I don't want to relax at work-
I want to be stimulated so that I can get things done and leave on time.
"Skin expert: Sally Penford, my international Skin Institute" I can't live without my daily exfoliator --
Using it in the shower will brighten and soften my skin.
I recommend using fine powder that is not too rough to relax dead skin cells.
I used a daily meal from Dermalogica.
"I didn't", I never had a deep massage to treat the fat mass.
Fat mass is caused by waste overload between fat cells.
Stimulation of blood flow in the region promotes metabolic processes and produces more toxins.
It's much better to increase your water intake and try to dry brush your body (
Light, in the direction of the groin).
Artificial lymphatic drainage is also effective.
"Bone pathology David Knight, the Royal Opera House I Love", I always make sure I sit there and lean my lower back against the back --rest.
If I were to sit on the sofa, I would support my back with a cushion.
Changing positions during the day is important.
I shrug, for example.
Lift them up, put them down five or six times
Several times a day
This powers the muscles and is very good for the "tension" caused by driving or sitting at the desk.
"I don't think" if you have a bad back, think that you should sleep on a hard surface, such as a board or floor that is absolutely rubbish.
Some patients noticed a great improvement when they returned to bed because they could actually relax.
I will never exercise because of pain.
"There is no pain, there is no Harvest" is a myth
The "comfortable" stretch makes you feel good, but there is a reason for the pain;
It tells you to stop.
Nutrition expert: Ian Barber, the Food Doctor I made, "I don't eat fried food --
Burning oil will produce free radicals, which will lead to a long time
Long-term damage to body cells
I always drink at least one liter. and-a-
Water for a day and a half
I put a bottle of mineral water on my desk.
"I didn't", I never dreamed of low contactfat products -
They contain "fillers" such as sugar and chemicals that can pile them up.
It is much better to eat a little pure cheese or butter because they have natural qualities.
I also think it's OK to drink a latte every day.
After drinking a few cups of coffee, you will have a desire.
Back expert: muscular Peter Skew
Skeleton doctor and author of back painDon't Panic.
I do "I will continue to do daily activities if I have a backache, considering the limitations it has on me. (
I treat back pain like I do with "old friends" instead of letting it affect me. )
I will try to relax and stretch my back with flexibility exercises.
For example, I would sit on the floor and bend towards my feet;
I will lie in front of me, arch my back
I feel very comfortable and will not stretch any more.
I will take painkillers if my waist hurts.
I won't do breaststroke if I have back pain.
Patients may be advised to swim, but breaststroke can put pressure on the lower back.
After initial consultation, I will not commit to 20 treatments with chiropractor --
Back pain, it's better to treat it a little and see what happens.
I won't let anyone do the surgery for me unless I'm in extreme pain.
Back pain requires only about two cents of surgery.
"Natural fertility expert: I love Marilyn Glenville" I eat well and have as much organic food as I can if I want to get pregnant.
Zinc, selenium, vitamin C and folic acid are all important.
They are included in the fertility Plus of natural health practices for women (
There is also a supplementary programme to improve the fertility of men. )
I will also reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol.
"I don't" I will never give up my work if I have difficulties in my conception.
Stress may be a factor in infertility, such as the cycle that affects women.
But having more time to indulge in having children can only backfire.
The "perfect" position to "focus on the concept is not entirely romantic, and I think it's also important to forget about the" time "issue.
Instead, try to enjoy your relationship.
Usually women get pregnant once they relax and "let go.
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