diy air purifier inspired from cyclone technology built from simple starting material: a first trial - air purifier system

by:Yovog     2020-11-23
diy air purifier inspired from cyclone technology built from simple starting material: a first trial  -  air purifier system
DIY air purifier, inspired by cyclone technology made from simple starting materials. It was a try!
Don't let it run without being in the room!
This is self made and there is no warranty of any kind, especially not sure if this device will work or if this device will not cause any damage.
I do not provide any warranty for this device.
Only half of my work, so I hope you can help improve the design :)
The wing design of the computer fan is obviously inappropriate.
I tried to crack the computer fan by adding something extra, but there was no significant improvement.
How to turn a computer fan into an impeller or turbine in a simple/Simple Way (
Just to push the air in one direction).
I would appreciate it if anyone had any suggestions for this improvement.
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> Belong to non-commercial sharing. You can re-
Use my text and pictures, modify or anything else, and if you do, please refer to the author, my work, or better place the link on this structure.
Thank you very much for your cooperation :)
Also, please do so if you have any comments or improvements that you would like to share with me.
As usual: the legendborough textsafety issue or important note si mentsi is working on such an idea as I live in a dusty place using an electric storage heater.
I bought an air purifier first and it is ionising the air and I feel there is a noticeable improvement but in the long run the ionising sound is not healthy for me.
However, I think other ways can be investigated.
Basically, you will need a fan anyway that will allow you to capture dust from the air.
Then release the dust-free air into the room.
I looked at other purifier methods with filter screen (
Even Swedish kit furniture is proposing such a system).
I want a method without filters.
I have come to the whirlwind technology that I have known for a long time (and no. . . .
A well-known British company without a bag vacuum did not invent it, they applied it to a series of new activities with my deep respect, sir!
This is smart! )
Different designs are known, but the main thing is that they always copy or adjust the same program.
You put together a single cycle room or many smaller ones, and you always try to do that.
From a scientific point of view, the following paragraphs may not be correct, but this is my understanding.
Description of cyclone device (See pictures)
: The air is fed into the funnel from the upper part loaded with dust particles, and the air moves down by drawing a whirlpool section around the central tube of the funnel.
The volume of the upper part is larger than that of the lower part.
Therefore, particles are accelerated.
Locally, by moving down in the funnel, the flow of air carried is gradually increasing.
I describe this to myself as if you were playing with the garden plastic hose, squeezing it more and more to see how the water flow is getting smaller and stronger.
At the bottom, you will find a bottleneck leading to a larger room, resulting in a sudden decrease in air flow to collect dust.
The dust particles carried by the air flow are constantly moving down due to inertia, when the air flow suddenly decreases.
Air moves further through the central pipeline-the chimney-
Before being released into the room without dust.
Since then, I think how can I achieve a similar goal without the whirlpool around the chimney implied by cyclone technology.
I want a direct design.
So what is needed :-an air input-
Funnel of particle acceleration-
A collection room where dust particles fall in a free way
Based on this idea, I drew two vertical side funnels where the air flows through the bottleneck.
At the entrance of the collection room, the air suddenly flows and dust particles fall freely, which may be captured due to the accumulated kinetic energy.
The air above the "chimney" was also found at the bottleneck.
As shown in the figure, the air follows the vertical path, followed by the horizontal path. -
A pet bottleComputer fan (DC current)-
Mobile phone charger (
DC current, check voltage and strength do not overcome computer fan parameters)-
Electrical tape protecting wires
Aggregate foam-
Knife of meat (
Big Teeth)
Or better yet, the foam cutter (
I think this is a kind of heating filament)(
You can replace it with the polyurethane foam in the spray, I did not describe this)-a scissor-
Bare Claws of old phone charger wires-a clean place-
If you don't understand electricity, please let someone with knowledge help you. -
If you are not 18 years old or older, please do so under the supervision of adult guidance --
Fan: danger: electric danger! Work safe! A)
Pick up the charger, close the cable to the end, and remove the copper wire with a special claw.
The two wires must have a hose in red and black and you need to test it if not. B)
Plug the copper wire into the fan socket (
The White Box connected by three lines)
The red wire is relative to the red wire of the socket, and the black wire is relative to the black wire.
Try plugging in the charger and the fan has to run.
If the wire is not colored and the fan is not running, you need to reverse the two wires you plug into the socket because there is only one current direction working here (
Because it's DC current)C)
If the fan is blowing the air, then this part is ready.
Protection of construction using electrician tapemount instructions-
Funnel and collection room:)
Cut the PET bottle of 1/3 or RMB from the neck with scissors, just like a previous dangerous picture, you can cut it yourself)
Cut the foam plastic with the help of the knife, so you can get the funnel on both sides formed by the foam plastic and the PET bottle wall.
It takes time to make it air tight on the side and open it where the funnel is (
Allow air to flow only along the funnel)C)
Squeeze the foam out of the bottleneck from below.
Then empty from the side (
90 degrees in the funnel.
Hope to have a diameter close to the bottleneck.
You just realized that the air output is normal.
Air leakage is not allowed here.
So if you dig too much, please stick it tight with proper glue (
Most of the glue doesn't fit and you'll have a really bad surprise, it's better to try the discarded foam section first). D)
Place the bottleneck in another part of the PET bottle as shown in the figure. E)
To make it air tight (with tape)F)
Use foam plastic to form a connection between the fan and the bottleneck.
Don't let it run when you're not in the room!
Final stage and improvement issues install the foam plastic joint onto the bottleneck.
Install the fan at the connection to make sure the air blows down.
You have to get similar trouble shooting on the picture: I feel the air is blown out through the air output.
But yes, but the fan also blows the air back.
This is because I think the fan is not strong enough and my output is too narrow (
For this reason, I stress to make it big enough).
This is a problem because the dust does not enter the system and it is pushed away by the air bed generated by this counter-flow.
I put small parts of foam plastic under the fan and inside the system to see if dust can be collected.
The point is it is! -
It is possible that the design of the computer fan is not suitable and must be modified.
In fact, I can imagine that dust is a problem for computer components, which will be a big advantage to have a fan that can blow air to cool your computer, at the same time, an air Wall is created at the entrance to the air as an obstacle to dust pollution.
Feel free to share ideas and improvements I am looking!
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