Dental Cavities and Abscess - electric toothbrush for adults

by:Yovog     2022-03-05
Dental Cavities and Abscess  -  electric toothbrush for adults
The circulation system of teeth gums and teeth and gums is an extremely important part of our health.
The circulation system brings arterial blood into the central bottom of the chin.
Branches of the arteries puncture the tip of the tooth at the root, go up into the central area of the Crown, and form a large vascular cluster of teeth and these arteries deep in the Crown to provide nutrition for tooth growth and continuous health.
The veins discharge the arteries, remove waste and carbon dioxide from underneath the teeth, outside the teeth, into the veins and main circulation system, and the blood eventually reaches the lungs, where there is plenty of oxygen ready to re-enter
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There is a crown covered with enamel on the teeth, usually white, covering the teeth directly below the gum line.
Under the enamel is the tooth quality, which is a more brown color that supports the sponge tissue and forms the infrastructure of the teeth.
Inside is the vascular cavity of the arteries and veins.
There may be one tooth, such as a front tooth, or three or four or five front teeth, or six front teeth.
The teeth are fixed in the bones by small hair, which goes from the roots to the bones in the bone nest of the teeth.
When we eat, we crush the food with our teeth and mix it with saliva to start the digestion process.
Most of these foods are swallowed for digestion;
However, very small food particles can stay between the gum line and the teeth, or stick to the teeth themselves.
White enamel is a bit porous like a sponge, and more specifically, bacteria fill these small sponge holes on the gum line and enamel.
The bacteria eat the food and discharge the acid, which actually damages the enamel and begins to form a small cavity in the enamel.
The dentist will recognize these and will most likely grind them off.
For deeper holes, they may grind and place fillers in depth to stop the process.
However, these fillers will eventually leak at the edges with bacteria and acid, attacking the protective enamel coating again.
The dentist drilled the filling and tooth decay filling again, and the process can be repeated several times.
Eventually, the bacteria enter the edge seal of the filler and feed down as the acid enters the vascular cavity.
This is when the real trouble begins.
Usually you don't feel anything at this point.
Bacteria spread to form pus, destroy blood vessels, and form more and more pus.
You may feel slight pain at this time, but most people don't feel anything.
The pus is pushed down from the root and finally out of the root, where a pus ball or abscess is formed and expanded rapidly.
This is when the real pain begins.
Pus flow out of the roots, apply pressure and destroy the bones.
This stress and infection in the bone is the cause of the abscess and pain.
We can help you with painkillers and antibiotics that will kill or severely delay the infection at the root and give you great relief.
You will feel better soon.
However, this does not solve the problem.
You have to go to the dentist and at this point they have to either pull out the teeth or drill a hole at the top of the teeth and put very fine tooth files on the tip of the teeth to drain pus;
Alternatively, they can drill to the bottom using a very fine bit to drain the pus.
Usually, the dentist will give you antibiotics and painkillers like we do to kill the infection and control the infection first.
Therefore, like a dentist, a doctor can help control the infection before doing the necessary surgery, whether it is root canal surgery or tooth extraction surgery.
After the root canal, the dentist will give you antibiotics, give you an antibiotic mouthwash to rinse the root and fill it temporarily.
This will allow the pus core to come up and down from the teeth in a few days or a week.
They will then go back and put a rubber called gutta a rubber cone into the root and seal it with an electric knife, which is done after the infection is fully controlled.
They can then make a mark on the crown and put it on.
This usually takes about a week to make sure the teeth heal.
They then come back with enamel or gold crown to replace the top of the tooth, which usually lasts for many years.
Although we are not dentists, we will help you to control the pain and infection immediately, and then you may be referred to the dentist for proper surgical treatment.
Using certain dental prescriptions mouthwash and even Listerine can significantly reduce the bacterial content in the mouth.
Electric toothbrushes are actually a huge help to scrub and drill deep into the pockets of teeth to clean bacteria and food.
When you go to the dentist, you may wonder what they mean when they say you have two or three or eight pockets.
What he is actually doing is taking a dental probe with a 90 degree angle, pressing down on the teeth and measuring the depth.
One, two, maybe three deep pockets are good.
The fourth and fifth are suspicious.
There are too many bacteria and fragments in six, seven, eight, and you may have to go back to the periodontist to remove the gums.
The more you use antibiotics, prescription mouthwash and electric brushes, make sure to clean these gums pockets twice a day for two or three minutes, the better your teeth are healthy.
In preventing this problem, the use of electric toothbrushes and prescription mouthwash cannot be underestimated.
John laurius, MD Doctors Medical Center232-
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