Delpy and Rock make for an engaging ‘2 Days in New York’ - latest electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-03-18
Delpy and Rock make for an engaging ‘2 Days in New York’  -  latest electric toothbrush
If Woody Allen was an attractive French woman
I'm sure he had a fantasy about this.
He might come up with things like "stay in New York for two days" and this engaging quirky comedy by Julie Delby tells the way our family drives us crazy.
This movie is a follower.
Decided by the actresswriter-
2 Days in Paris (2007) by the director, but you don't have to watch an early movie.
"New York" spins on its own crazy track, chattering, neurotic, maddening mess, usually very interesting.
But it would be a smaller planet if Chris Locke did not participate.
He plays writer and NPR radio host mingles, the latest live broadcast.
Now the artist who lives in the Chelsea community in Manhattan, Delpy, falls in love with her.
Mingus is the straight man of the film, and Delpy gives him a lot of things to talk about directly, as Marion's father and sister have just come here from Paris for a long stay.
The father is an old goat, played by the star's own father Albert Delby and sister Ross, played by Alexia Lando
Wrote the script.
The whole movie has a hoarse feeling.
Dog stories cooked in a pot of pasta and a few bottles of Bordeaux.
Rose brings her current flame
Alex Nahon, Marion's predecessor, is one of the great idiots and French in the recent film.
In a family dinner with mingles's little daughter (Talen Riley), call him and clip his toenails on the table, indulge in unspeakable sex with the owner's electric toothbrush manu is a glorious boss and a positive proof of the old adage about guests and fish.
It's three minutes, not three days, for Manu.
Meanwhile, Ross likes to walk around the apartment naked and flirt with mingles
As the intruder said, the goose ).
Decades of Sisters
Long-standing competition has reached a peak, and in the restaurant scene, Manu mistakenly recognized Mingus, who worked in the Obama administration for "the man in Harrow and Kumar's film.
"Marion also has an art opening with a hard sub-plot about her conceptual work that provides the soul to the highest bidder.
It returns (a bit) independence from the city center-
The movie idol was playing himself, but by then Marion and the film had collapsed.
"Two Days in New York" has positioned the heroine as a hipster, Lucy Ricardo, and some of the plots have clearly distorted sitcom.
When Marion convinced a sullen neighbor couple that she had a brain tumor that could not be operated, only Dylan Baker and Kate Burton's understatement would not make the situation worse.
The most effective thing is a pleasant and loaded cultural conflict between French rights and American arrogance --
We rarely get families that we think we deserve (and vice versa ).
Every time Delby's nervous chatter threatens "two days in New York," all rock has to do is raise one of the cartoon eyebrows, take her hesitation and film to a peaceful place for a happy comedy.
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