Delegates test drive first bluetooth toothbrush - latest oral b electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-05-08
Delegates test drive first bluetooth toothbrush  -  latest oral b electric toothbrush
UK dental conference and exhibition in Manchester this year
B. launch a new test drive power brush trial plan;
SmartSeries electric toothbrush with Bluetooth 4. 0 connectivity;
And Cross action brush head.
Test drive allows multiple users to experience spoken English-
B. strength and speaking
B use toothpaste with shared handles in a hygienic manner. Oral-
B designed and produced special handle and refill with triple protection-
System: The sealing plug-in the refill brush head works with the handle, helping to prevent saliva from entering the handle;
The specially designed protective cover work combined with the sealing system helps to provide additional protection against the stain of the handle;
Cleaning and disinfection procedures ensure hygiene is used next time.
The new cross-action brush is oral.
B. The most advanced power brush head so far has perfect angle brush hair and better cleaning performance. Oral-
B. The new SmartSeries electric toothbrush is the world's first interactive electric toothbrush with Bluetooth 4. 0 connectivity.
New toothbrush connecting mouth-
Provide real app
Time guidance when brushing your teeth
Record brushing activity in the form of data
Which patients can then share with their dental professionals, which helps create smarter, more personalized brushing procedures.
The Cross action brush head will be available in the UK on July 2014, and the SmartSeries electric toothbrush with Bluetooth 4 will also be available.
UK Limited retailers will sell 0 connections starting in 5 years.
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