dead man's parents can use his sperm to create his child, judge rules - what's the best air purifier to buy

by:Yovog     2021-04-30
dead man\'s parents can use his sperm to create his child, judge rules  -  what\'s the best air purifier to buy
A few months after West Point cadets Peter Zhu died of a ski accident.
Lost what his parents said he had a dream of his own children.
A judge ruled that his parents could have children with his frozen sperm.
New York State Supreme Court judge John Colangelo ruled last week that Zhu's parents, Yong Ming and Monica Zhu, may decide how to deal with their son's sperm, including whether it is used for "creative purposes ".
The parents filed a petition with the court in three months asking for his sperm to be retrieved before their only son was deprived of life support, call it "the only chance to fulfill Peter's wish and preserve his incredible legacy" and continue with his last name.
"At this point in time, the court will not limit Peter's parents to the possibility of eventually using their son's sperm, including its potential for fertility purposes, the judge wrote in the ruling.
"As far as the court is aware, neither New York nor federal law provides for such restrictions.
However, this is not to say that if the petitioner chooses to use Peter's sperm for reproductive purposes, they may not need to overcome certain obstacles or face important remaining issues.
"It was not immediately possible to reach out to Joseph Williams, the parent's lawyer, for comment.
His parents say Zhu, from Concord, California, expressed his desire to have a family of his own. The 21-year-
The seniors at West Point in New York discussed his dreams and told them that he wanted to be a father.
Five children.
In a petition dated March 1, his parents wrote that although they made fun of him that a nest of children would be expensive, they still raised them on the ranch.
According to court records, for a senior class assignment, Zhu recently wrote that he wanted to get married "before the age of 30", "have children" and "become an officer ".
"Our son's last wish is to be a father and bring the child to this world," his parents said . ".
But Art Caplan, a professor of bioethics and head of medical ethics at New York University School of Medicine, said the case was "a moral dilemma," explaining that there was no system to ask what genetic material people wanted after death, nor is there a system in which they can make decisions in court without a legitimate expression of their will.
That leaves a lot of ethical considerations, especially about what is best in the child's interests, Caplan said.
Does the deceased parent wish to use an agent to create the child?
Would the parent want the child to be raised by him or her grandparents or someone other than the actual parent?
When and how do parents want their children to be informed?
In relation to the case of Zhu, Caplan said that he did not agree with the judge's decision because he did not believe that parents should control the birth of the child.
"It does not exist in nature," he said . "
He added that he believed that such an allowance should only be given to a partner or spouse.
According to court documents, on February, Zhu was seriously injured in a skiing accident at West Point ski resort, resulting in a spinal cord fracture.
A few days later, February 27, 21-year-
The old man was declared brain dead.
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