cops tell man who scalded his daughter to turn himself in … or else! - air purifier machine

by:Yovog     2020-09-19
cops tell man who scalded his daughter to turn himself in … or else!  -  air purifier machine
: Police have identified a man's "hiding place" suspected of abusing his daughter with hot water on 8 peopleyear-
Last Thursday, the old body was in an accident with Itan airlines (Dec 27).
Northeast Police chief Che Zeman said, according to the police investigation, 41-year-
An old man, a prepaid card sales agent, left Penang and hid not far from the state.
"I urge him to surrender to assist in the investigation.
"However, if he refuses to do so, the police will detain him because we have identified the place where the man, his wife and their youngest son have been hiding since the incident, he told Bernard here Tuesday. Jan 2).
He said the child was in third place.
The degree of Burns in the arms, ribs and chest has improved, but she is still being treated at Penang Hospital.
He said that according to the statement left by the victim and two other siblings and their grandmother (father)was hot-
Grumpy, often beating up four brothers and sisters, including the younger son.
In the one o'clock A. M. incident, 41-year-
The old suspect is said to be hungry and went home from work and found him 38-year-
The wife was finished by the children.
Angered by this situation, he woke up the children sleeping in the living room, scolded them and beat them.
The suspect also allegedly splashed a bowl of hot water distributed from the water purifier machine in the living room on the victim.
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