control home appliances with phone and internet of things under 6 $ - small home appliances

by:Yovog     2019-09-04
control home appliances with phone and internet of things under 6 $  -  small home appliances
I always want to turn on my TV while lying on the couch, or turn off my lights after reading a book a day.
I used to do it with Hc.
05, there is a TV remote control.
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What is home automation?
Home automation is the remote or automatic use and control of household appliances. What is IOT ?
Internet of Things (IoT)
Is the network of physical objects-
Equipment, vehicles, buildings and other items-
It is embedded in electronic, software, sensors, and network connections that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.
Combining the two, you can control household appliances from anywhere we have access to the Internet.
It is entirely based on the cloud services offered by Blynk6 $, and if esp8266 is not used in standalone mode, this is the list of items we need to automate IoT homes boxTotal 6.
$1 so Indians about $6 can buy it from here. We also need tools. The first task is to set up ESP for programming.
There are two normal modes of operation for GPIO 0 = 1;
Program mode of GPIO = 0;
So we need to put it in programming mode now.
Once a program has been uploaded, the connection will be as follows. We need to reset down, once the programming mode is enabled.
The detailed instructions for connecting Blynk are given in this manual, which is a simple task, although first we need to download the blynk appIOS app and create a new project.
The project equipment should be selected as esp8266.
You will get an authorization token when you are done.
You need to enter the token in the attached sketch.
Now, we create buttons from the widget bar.
Then click the button to select the GPIO it will work on.
We select the button as the switch.
You can also rename the button to bulb/Fan etc.
The library here is the hardest part and the most time consuming part.
We first cut a perf board to fit the shell.
We started welding 3.
First 3 v ams1117.
Then we weld the joint of esp8266.
We make the connection according to the chart.
When I used the charger to power the board, I used a screw terminal in my case to unplug the system.
I first used a 350 ma plug and it didn't work very well and then I upgraded to ma which is decent for the system.
The relay needs to be connected to 5 v.
I also added a switch and led for instructions (optional part)
I took a box of 4x4x2.
I started drilling a hole at the connection of the power cord, and then I smooth the hole with the sic drill bit.
I also drilled two on two and four on the side of the relay.
The top is the switch and led.
I glued the led together and switched to the case.
Basically, the switch is used to turn on the relay after the safe start of the esp 8266.
To connect, we will weld the two wires to the switch later on to the circuit board.
It's time to assemble all the parts.
Let's get the motherboard in the box first.
We then attach the esp 8266 to the title.
We then connect the switch to the vcc and trunk headers.
The relay is connected to the head with a fire from the mother to the public.
When everything is ready, we assemble the chassis, turn on the power and enjoy the light controlled by wifi and internet of things.
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