CONSUMER NOTES - battery operated electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-05-19
CONSUMER NOTES  -  battery operated electric toothbrush
Frances thurradk.
1975 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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The General Affairs Administration has published its name and model of the cheapest electrical appliance at the initial price and energy cost during its current product life.
In these days of energy conservation, the agency purchased thousands of air conditioners, water heaters, stoves and refrigerators based on the concept of "life cycle costing", mainly for military installations.
It is estimated that the energy consumption of air conditioners is 21% lower than the model purchased in the past few years;
11% water heater;
7% range and 15% refrigerator.
It is estimated that the government has saved $1 million in the service life of these appliances.
Consumers who may use the agency's purchase as their own purchase guide should remember that there may be appliances with lower initial prices on the market, but, in the long run, this requires more energy, so the cost is higher.
In addition, the agency only evaluates the products of manufacturers bidding on government contracts.
Therefore, from the concept of "life cycle", there may be cheaper products in the market.
"An official from the government explained that the agency determined the life cycle cost of the appliance by testing the prototype, in some cases, in other cases, by fitting the information provided by the manufacturer
The general service authority makes the following choices: air conditioning-
Fedders simulates ACL 16E 7 h, ACL 18E 7 h, ASL 19E 7 h, ASD 24E 7 h;
GE model ag fe 90 9F, AGFS 81 3D.
Electric range-
General Electric, JASO 4;
New ASRE 22 AX 033 on Sunday; ASRC 24 CB 029; ASRC 26 GX OJK;
And ASRE 26 gx ojk. ¶Gas Ranges —
Crown 847-207kowt type;
Roper model 1234 w;
Sunray models are SSP 22 BD and SSP 29 DA. Refrigerator-
GE models TA 10dr-n, TB 12 sr-n, TB 14 ss-B, TB F 16 S, TB FF 19 D, TF F 22 D, and TF F 24 D;
Hot Spot model CTF 14 E and CTF 18 C;
Philco model RT 17 b6¶Water Heaters—A. O.
Smith's PGC 40, the governing month, Page 80 52 and page.
The brush operated by Snoopy's brush Snoopy battery has the advantages of toys and health aids, but according to the reader, there is a problem: a replacement brush cannot be found.
Edward Selbert, director of Consumer Relations at Kenner Products, a division of General Mills and product manufacturers, was told to search several department stores and pharmacies in the New York area without finding a replacement brush, I sympathize.
"We have brushes but the dealers don't want to buy from us and we can't force them to buy either," he said . ".
"All they want is complete toys.
That's why we put a packing list on each toy saying that if the buyer can't find a replacement, he should write to us.
He said consumers should send $1 to Kenner Products in Cincinnati, Ohio for $45202, and the replacement brush will be mailed back. Mr. advertising
Toy dealers also don't like to replace parts for other toy stocks, Seibert said.
One example, he says, is Snoopy's extra tape.
Snoopy film audience.
His advice to the owners of these toys is the same as a toothbrush: write directly to Kenner for replacement.
The chairman of the New York State Public Service Commission, overnight ferlingrad Kahn, announced that he would not arrange a routine hearing on utility cases at night, but that he would allow individual members to hold such hearings occasionally.
Sir's statement
Kahn was in response to Long Island consumer advocate Richard Kessel's request for a routine night hearing, which he was special;
In terms of utilities. Mr.
Kessel hopes to hold a night hearing on the Long Island Lighting Company rates case, giving working consumers the opportunity to testify.
In a recent letter to Governor Carey, he protested
Statement from Kahn.
Kessel called the decision "very disgusting ". ”Mr.
Regular night hearings, explains Kahn, "will significantly change the schedule of our overworked employees and put a very heavy extra burden on them.
This year, however, Commissioner Edward Berlin, appointed by the governor as a member of the Commission for consumers, announced that he would hold two night hearings in early January on LILCO's application for an increase of $90 million in electricity bills.
In a telephone interview
Berlin stated that he would first hear the public's statements and testimony in the LILCO rate case, and then he would have an informal record, "an open meeting of anything the public would like to talk about.
Re said, "I hope this will be the first such incident in the state.
The first night hearing will be held on January.
At the Nassau County police headquarters at 1490 Franklin Avenue, miñola.
The next night, the second race will take place on the Griff Avenue, the tense service building on the Ex246 river of Suffolk Co-op.
The two will begin at 7: 30. M.
At the same time, he rejected the idea of a regular night hearing.
Mr. Kahn announced that he was forming a consumer advisory board.
According to a spokesman, the names of possible members are now being reviewed.
A version of the archive was printed on page 54 of the New York edition on December 3, 1975, with the title: Consumer notes.
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