companies fight to keep global warming data secret - home appliances suppliers

by:Yovog     2023-03-01
companies fight to keep global warming data secret  -  home appliances suppliers
Some of China's biggest Heat emitters
Greenhouse gases, including companies that publicly support global warming, do not want the public to know exactly how much they are contaminated.
Oil producers and refiners, as well as manufacturers of steel, aluminum and even household appliances, are opposing a proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency that will allow the company to release greenhouse gas emissions ---
The basic data used by the business to calculate the amount--
Available online.
While there is an overall estimate of such emissions for transportation, power production and manufacturing, EPA first requested the company to submit information for each individual facility.
The companies say disclosure of details other than total facility emissions to the public will reveal the company's secrets by letting competitors know what's going on inside their plant.
More importantly, they believe that the public does not need more knowledge than in the air in understanding global warming.
"There is no need for the public to obtain information other than information entering the atmosphere," Steven H.
Bernhart, global director of regulatory affairs, Honeywell International
Said in comments submitted to the agency earlier this year.
N. Morris TownJ. -
The US-based company is a leading manufacturer of hydrofluoride, a powerful greenhouse gas for a variety of consumer goods.
Honeywell wants the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider its proposal, which the company says will hurt its business.
Other companies are pressing the agency to ask third parties to verify the data, so they don't need to submit the data at all or allow them to debate the case --by-
The Environmental Protection Agency warned that the recommendation would be delayed for public release in order to keep some of these information confidential.
The EPA says it is necessary to disclose data in order to check the company's calculations.
"It is important for external groups and the public to get this information so that they can basically see and check the math of EPA and the company ---
"Let the public have more confidence in the quality of the data," the agency said in a statement . ".
As EPA prepares to regulate greenhouse gases, the data required to be submitted by the company will help determine the limits that are ultimately set and whether they are valid.
Companies that the Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for a large amount of heat
1,500 pieces of information have been collected to control pollution this year.
The data that March will report will be used in the first use
A huge database will reveal the source of most greenhouse gases in the United States.
Fossil fuel suppliers that release greenhouse gases when burning, plus engine and vehicle manufacturers, and facilities that release 25,000 tons or more of any of the six types of heat
Gas Capture must comply with regulations, which is the first time the government is responsible for the pollution of global warming.
Most companies tell the government or the public that there is no problem with how much they pollute;
They have dealt with other types of pollution, such as toxic chemicals and sulfur dioxide, which form acid rain.
They opposed it. -
Almost consistent-
It is a public disclosure of the basic data needed to calculate the annual greenhouse gas volume.
If the company actually measures the source of greenhouse gas pollution, the EPA does not need this information.
But these devices are expensive and cost millions of dollars to many companies.
Even the FTC is involved in asking the Environmental Protection Agency to treat the data used in the emissions equation as confidential data, as this could lead to collusion between companies and increase prices for consumers.
According to comments submitted by the Aluminum Association, the aluminum smelters want 11 of the 15 data areas that EPA intends to keep publicly confidential.
Koch Nitrogen
Fertilizer producer LLC questions EPA's desire to make a device
Specific or facilities-
Specific emissions, called "misleading," because pollution changes in a plant are unlikely to affect policies on global issues.
For DuPont, the founder of the United StatesS.
Partnership for climate action-
Enterprise group supporting global warming pollution control--
According to Michael Parr, senior manager of government affairs, the proposal caused heartache.
Many of the company's factories include a titanium dioxide plant in New Johnsonville, Tennessee.
Release greenhouse gases when generating electricity.
"We actually lobbied for this report bill because we thought it was a very good idea," Parr said in an interview . ".
"What we are trying to convey is that if you accept the information about how the factory works and provide that information to the public, it will not give the public a better idea of what is coming out of my factory.
It shows the fruits of all my innovations.
"If there is a plan for the pollution industry to support EPA's full disclosure, it is the power producers who have released most of the data.
Companies that sell information to investors and businesses want more disclosure.
They believe it is necessary to know the efficiency of a facility, that is, the amount of greenhouse gases released per unit of production.
Bloomberg LP, which has been providing greenhouse gas data to the financial community since 2005, has asked EPA to publish production data even if it is not used to calculate emissions.
In the company's comments, the company said, "On a separate note, there is no point in greenhouse gas emissions.
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