Colder weather doesn't mean decline in allergies, experts say - air purifier machine for home

by:Yovog     2020-02-17
Colder weather doesn\'t mean decline in allergies, experts say  -  air purifier machine for home
Many people think that when the weather gets cold, their allergic reactions will disappear.
But experts say winter weather can cause problems for people with allergies indoors.
"If they have indoor allergens associated with animal dandruff, mites, and some people have problems with cockroaches, this exposure will be higher and they will have more symptoms associated with indoor rather than outdoor, "said the doctor.
Lily pine from Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
The air purifier can relieve the pressure, but there are also some shortcomings.
When the machine cleans the impurities in the air, it can make the environment in your home more humid
A state in which allergens like mites and mold thrive.
It's also hard to figure out if you have an upper respiratory tract infection or an allergic reaction when it gets cold.
"At this time of year, when people stay indoors more, the virus is more likely to be a problem [and] may consider some of their symptoms, would you like to see if it's really my allergy? " Pien said. New York City-
Basic allergy doctor
Tim menadi told Fox News.
The deciphering between the two depends on your symptoms.
If there's any itching
Throat, eyes, nose
This suggests that this is an allergic process, "Mainardi said, noting that it is most likely to be an allergy if the symptoms last longer than 14 days.
According to Mainardi, common symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection include physical pain and fever.
Respiratory infections do not occur as a response to stimuli.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or if you are worried about any symptoms.
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