Cleaner air will extend life by 4 yrs - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-01-29
Cleaner air will extend life by 4 yrs  -  air cleaner
Compliance with the World Health Organization's standards can benefit the delixite people, and the average life expectancy of most Indians can be extended by about four years, or more than four years.
Whether the merger of 7 billion life years conforms to the World Health Organization (WHO)
A new study on the impact of air pollution on life expectancy shows air quality standards.
The study also said that even if only national standards were met, the average life expectancy of Indians could be extended by more than one year.
Compliance with WHO standards can also see Delhiites breathing the world's most polluted air, the study adds that if they meet national standards, they can live up to nine more years and up to six more years.
These findings are part of the air quality. Life Index (AQLI)
Research by the University of Chicago Institute of Energy Policy (EPIC)
Led by EPIC director Michael Greenstone.
The pollution data set of the 50 most populous areas in India was sorted out.
This was done using satellite and ground monitoring data.
AQLI was developed on the basis of two studies published in 2013 and 2017, which analyzed the adverse effects of air pollution in China on life expectancy.
Using the results of earlier studies, the AQLI model was used to predict the Indian region.
Earlier studies analyzed data on pollution, respiratory diseases and mortality in China over the past decade and concluded that severe air pollution reduced life expectancy by nearly three times.
Spent 1 year in some of China's most polluted areas.
"Life expectancy is difficult to calculate because there are several factors at work.
For example, contaminated areas are often poor areas, and the factors affecting health are also different.
"We used models from the Chinese study to predict and estimate the impact of pollution on life expectancy," said Anant Sudarshan, director of EPIC India . ".
He added, "respiratory diseases are also increasing as pollution increases.
There have been individual studies on health effects, but this is the first comprehensive study of the net impact of air pollution on life expectancy.
"The ministry of environment, forests and climate change has in the past denied International reports that air pollution is directly related to the death rate in the country.
Earlier in February, former environment minister Dave played down the global air condition report, which said air pollution caused more premature deaths in India than in China.
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