cleaner air means healthier kids, pollution study finds - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-01-21
cleaner air means healthier kids, pollution study finds  -  air cleaner
A new study shows that cleaner air has significant benefits for children's health.
According to a long-term survey, the health of children's lungs has improved as the air quality in the infamous smog Los Angeles area has improved
Running research for 2,120 children published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles compared three groups of children aged 11 to 15 years, a critical period of lung function.
Lead author James Goldman says adolescents need to develop their lungs as fully as possible, because lung function tends to decline slowly but steadily after the child reaches the age of 18, professor of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Southern California.
A study of the first group of children was conducted from 1994 to 1998;
For the second time, from 1997 to 2001;
Third from 2007 to 2011.
From the first group of children in the study to the last group of children, pollution levels have dropped by about 40%, in part due to strict vehicle emission standards, the study said.
Throughout the study, doctors assessed the child's lung function by letting the child breathe out into the instrument, which measures how much air they can breathe out.
At the beginning of the study, 7.
Gauderman said that 9% of children had abnormally low lung function, meaning that their lungs were less than 80% at their normal level at this age.
By the time the last child was 15 years old, the number of people with abnormal lung function had dropped by more than half to three. 6% of kids. .
"Children breathe better today because our air is cleaner," said Gauderman . ".
"This is the first study to provide reliable scientific evidence for cleaning our air to actually improve children's health.
Goldman said: "This is an impressive achievement because the number of cars and trucks driving on California roads has only grown in the last 20 years.
Harold Faber, a pediatrician at the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, called the study a "landmark study" because the number of children involved and the tracking time were long.
Gauderman said the findings bode well for the future health of today's children.
This is because lung function enhancement after adulthood is associated with a reduced risk of premature death.
According to a side editorial by Douglas docry and James Ware of Harvard University T. , in adults, people with reduced lung function are more likely to have chronic dyspnea and heart diseaseH.
School of Public Health.
"Our research has proven to some extent that the effort to clean air is reasonable," said Gauderman . ".
"This is an incredible story of environmental success.
"While the study found that cleaner air can prevent premature deaths in adults, it was the first to find the main benefit for children," said Janice Nolen of the American Lung Association . ".
In order to avoid losing those gains, it is important to maintain high standards of clean air, says norun.
"Some people believe that a substantial improvement in air quality over the past 40 years is enough to protect public health and there is little evidence to support stricter standards," dockerery and Ware wrote . ".
"However, current reports and other studies suggest that further improvements in air quality may have a beneficial impact on public health.
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