class assignment surprisingly proves that bacteria can grow in bathroom hand dryers, can it spread to humans? - hepa air filter replacement

by:Yovog     2023-01-21
class assignment surprisingly proves that bacteria can grow in bathroom hand dryers, can it spread to humans?  -  hepa air filter replacement
The task of professor microbiology at Nicholas Ward is simple: select a location, open a Petri dish for three minutes, and observe the growth of the next two days.
No one's sample is clean.
Assuming that a Petri dish opened in any non-sterile room will collect microorganisms from the air, this is an established conclusion.
But when Ward returned to the classroom with her plate in a closed Dyson hair dryer, the colonies of fungi and bacteria growing inside exceeded anything her classmates found in the places they chose.
"My fungus grows at a higher quality," she said . ".
Without further testing that the class did not do, it is impossible to say whether the organisms in Ward's petri dish are harmful to humans.
In a statement to ABC, Dyson, the dryer manufacturer she uses, said, "it's very surprising to see these results, and it's not clear about the approach adopted.
"All Dyson Airblade dryers have HEPA filters that capture particles as small as bacteria from the bathroom air before leaving the machine," the company said . ".
"Dyson Airblade clothes dryers have been certified hygienic by university studies and are trusted by hospitals, food manufacturers and businesses around the world.
In fact, whether the clothes dryer can spread pathogens is a question that scientists are arguing about.
"Hot air kills bacteria on your hands, but some studies have found that they also deposit bacteria in the restroom on your hands. e.
From the air, "said Charles P.
Gerba is a microbiology at the University of Arizona.
A study published in the Journal of Applied microorganisms in 2016 found that jet air dryers-high-
Electric machines like a ward use paper towels to pollute 1,300 times the virus particles in the surrounding area.
Standard clothes dryer-
Those who simply blow warm air-spread much less particles, but still 60 times as much as paper towels.
In a handful of independently funded studies on the subject published in 2000 by the Mayo Clinic, no statistically significant health differences between dryer and tissue paper were found.
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