clarisonic system - my review - best skin care devices

by:Yovog     2021-07-07
clarisonic system - my review  -  best skin care devices
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Clarisonic Skin Care brushes are touted as the best new way to clean your face so your skin can absorb serum and potions better.
It is compared to a Sonicare brush for teeth.
Before deciding to risk buying my own pink Clarisonic system, I watched several demos of Clarisonic systems on a specific shopping channel.
I did look around for the best price and got the best deal in skinstore.
When they offer a 20% discount coupon on any of the items listed on their website.
When I buy the clarisonic system, it has only one version.
There are several different versions now.
You will sit on the mini travel size and larger size on the bathroom cabinet table.
Smaller and more economical, and the same way of doing it, so if you want to save money, look at this model.
Comments now-
I have a complicated feeling about Clarisonic Skin Care brushes.
My brush has two brush heads, a charging bracket and the actual device itself, a hand held brush tool with replaceable brush heads.
There is an "open" button on the Clarisonic system.
You can wet the brush, drop a few drops of detergent on it, then press the on button and place it next to your face --and voila -
There will be a massage on the face.
I use the brush head for sensitive skin because it is soft.
I was a little nervous the first time I used the Clarisonic system because I didn't want my skin to be too rough and I didn't want treatment.
To my surprise, the brush is much more gentle than I thought.
To avoid the eye area, I gently applied it to my face.
I make sure that instead of using scrub motion, I allow the brush to vibrate to my face in a small circular motion.
After about a minute and a half, I turned it off and splashed the water on my face.
My face did feel smooth and clean, and my moisturizer went in right away.
At first glance, the product gave a thumbs up.
The next day I woke up in a hurry to use my Clarisonic system again only to find my face a little rough and a little sensitive.
I have come to the conclusion that I cannot use the Clarisonic system on relatively sensitive skin every day.
I use it once or twice a week and it feels good when I use it.
On the other hand, I didn't notice any noticeable changes on my skin or the advantages I could have for Clarisonic system tout.
Will I buy this again? probably not.
Shall I continue to use it? probably.
I would classify the Clarisonic system as the "nice to try something different, especially since I have the extra $" category.
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