cigarette smoke can make your pet sick - most effective air purifier

by:Yovog     2021-01-14
cigarette smoke can make your pet sick  -  most effective air purifier
Most adults who smoke are aware of this. and third-
Hand smoke is harmful to people around them, especially children.
However, many smokers do not realize that their habits can also harm the health of their pets.
Animals can, like humans, develop lung damage and certain types of cancer when exposed to the second condition
Hand smoke, chemicals left in cigarettes, and even the hands and clothes of smokers.
Heather Wilson, a veterinary oncologist, said
In an interview with the Medical Daily, Robles of Texas A & M University said: "Animals with asthma or bronchitis may have difficulty controlling their disease.
Although there is not much literature published to prove this, many veterinarians will tell you that they have seen similar experiences as well.
The owner quit smoking, and the pet's lung problem or illness is improved.
"Why is the risk of pet exposure to cigarette smoke so high? In fact, the risk of pet smoking may be greater --
If a smoker does not wash his hands after holding a cigarette, the associated disease will be worse than that of a child.
The toxins left on human hands are easily absorbed by the fur of cats or dogs.
Worse, when most smokers wash their hands several times a day, Pets at Home tend to be separated between two baths for a few weeks.
This means that the animal spends every second between bathing every day, bathing with harmful chemicals deposited on his coat.
"Studies have shown that dogs are exposed to a large number of second
Over time, hand smoke has changed significantly in their lung tissue, "Wilson said. Robles.
"These changes include fibrosis or scars from the lung tissue to pre-cancerous or even pre-cancerous lesions.
"It takes a lot of time for the kitten to freshen itself up and regularly ingest the chemicals deposited on the fur and may become seriously ill.
A case report published in 2012 describes a cat suffering from trachea cancer after being exposed to a large number of second exposures.
Smoke at home.
Another study published in 2002 by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of taftz came to a second conclusion
Smoking may double the risk of lymphoma in cats.
Signs of smoking
Pet-related health issues indicate that the pet is suffering a second timeor third-
Hand Smoke includes a growing dry cough.
Animals with asthma and allergies
Lung disease or inflammation associated with it is particularly dangerous.
According to Wilson
Robles: "Asthma patients may have asthma more frequently and their symptoms may be more medically difficult to control.
Animals with allergic lung disease, if they live in a smoking family, usually have more severe symptoms that may persist throughout the year rather than seasonal.
"Another way tobacco products are harmful to pets is if a dog or cat decides to sample cigarettes from garbage or other sources.
The intake of tobacco products can lead to drooling, trembling and stomach discomfort (
Vomiting and diarrhea).
High doses of nicotine can lead to behavioral changes, seizures and even death in pets.
Cigarette butts are very dangerous because they contain 25% of nicotine.
Protect your pet, the most effective way to treat tobacco
The related health problem with pets is that if you smoke, you give up the habit yourself.
Whether you are a smoker at home or someone else: Wilson says: "pet owners need to quit smoking immediately, wash their hands thoroughly after smoking, and then touch the pet or anything that may be exposedRobles.
"If your dog or cat eats cigarettes, chews tobacco, cigars, etc.
Call an emergency clinic nearby to ask how to treat the poisoning.
In most cases, tobacco causes vomiting on its own, but if not, vomiting should be induced to clean up the stomach and prevent systemic, or even potentially fatal nicotine poisoning.
"A good rule of thumb is to take the same precautions against your pet as against your child. Smoke outside.
Wash your hands after smoking.
Buy an air purifier
Change one if possible to make sure that chemical tobacco residues are not transferred from your clothes to your pet.
If you suspect your pet is smoking
Any kind of related questions, I encourage you to make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible. Dr.
Karen Becker is an active integrated health vet.
You go to see her website: MercolaHealthyPets.
ComHer's goal is to help you create health to prevent diseases in your pet's life.
This proactive approach tries to save you and your pet from unnecessary stress and pain by identifying and removing health barriers before the disease occurs.
Unfortunately, most veterinarians in the United States have received response training.
They wait for symptoms to appear and often treat them without addressing the root cause. By reading Dr.
Becker's message, you will learn how to make influential, consistent lifestyle choices to improve the quality of life of your pet.
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