Christmas wishlist dropped by thief shoplifting to order - buy electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-12-02
Christmas wishlist dropped by thief shoplifting to order  -  buy electric toothbrush
At this time of year, people are wondering what to buy for their loved ones. Some bargain-
However, hunters know what they want.
Swindon police found their wish list.
After the security guard saw her trying to steal from Debenhams, it was retrieved from a thief's handbag in the center of the town.
The thief ran away, but the police thought she was stealing Christmas gifts to order.
One of the clients on the list is called "matey in the waiting room" and he wants a Dyson hair dryer, hoodie and Yankee Candle.
"Rossi" wants unicorn carpets, luxury pillows, chess boards and an electric toothbrush for Ole B.
"Colleen" wants clothes for girls between the ages of 5 and 6, a medium gray coat for men
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