Chris Evans to leave Radio 2 breakfast show for Virgin Radio - the best electric toothbrush 2016

by:Yovog     2022-05-28
Chris Evans to leave Radio 2 breakfast show for Virgin Radio  -  the best electric toothbrush 2016
Chris Evans shocked fans by announcing his return to Virgin Radio almost 20 years after leaving the station.
The 52-year-old broadcaster revealed Monday morning that after 13 years on BBC radio, he will quit Radio 2 and his breakfast show.
Now, he has already talked about his plans for the future, saying that he will host a competitor's breakfast meeting on Virgin Radio, "in many ways . . . . . . My spiritual home ".
"I only see exciting and breakthrough opportunities in the future.
"The growth potential is unprecedented in media that are changing so rapidly every day," he said . ".
"Our plan is to do what we can to see where we can get there and enjoy as much fun as possible along the way.
It makes me smile whenever I think of it.
Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, described the appointment as a "major coup ".
"Like radio listeners across the UK, I can't wait to see what Chris has brought to his new breakfast show.
It will be very interesting, I'm sure, "he said.
Evans previously hosted the breakfast show on Virgin Radio and later bought it from 1997 to 2001.
On 2001, he was fired for "breach of contract" after several high-
Openly drinking with him at the time
Wife Julie Piper.
The second Broadcasting Company
According to the BBC's annual data, the highest-paid person was thrilled when Radio 2 announced he would leave.
He will broadcast his last show on December.
Evans, who was with his wife Natasha with twins, told the audience: "Some of us are mountaineers, and if you reach your favorite summit, you will become a mountaineer, so I have to keep climbing.
"I will go again and I will start a whole new adventure.
He added: "It's amazing.
It will continue to be brilliant.
Evans said the story.
500 words will remain in the writing contest on Radio 2.
On April, Evans announced that he and his wife would have twins.
The couple already have sons Eli and Noah.
Data released by the BBC earlier this summer showed that the TV station and former Top Gear hosts earned between £ 1.
His second radio breakfast program was 6 million and 1,669,999.
He's the second one.
The highest-paid person on the BBC list, one day host Gary leinkel's place.
Evans joined Radio 2 for the first time on September 2005 as the host of Saturday afternoon's show.
He moved to the driving hours in 2006.
Evans succeeded Sir Terry Wogan as the host of the second radio breakfast show in January 2010.
He won the best music radio breakfast program in 2016.
The show currently has more than 9 million viewers per week, making it Britain's most popular show --
Listen to radio
Evans previously hosted the breakfast show on Radio 1 and Virgin and played the TV show TFI on Friday, Don't Forget Your Toothbrush.
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