china's war on air pollution shows more promise than reports indicate - top quality air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-03-29
china\'s war on air pollution shows more promise than reports indicate  -  top quality air purifiers
Multinational companies like Coca
Coca-Cola (Cola) and Panasonic are increasingly offering "difficult treatment" to foreign executives, including perks and extra "bonuses" for frequent trips to their home countries, to attract them to stay in China
While the private sector provides a short-term
The long-term solution to China's air pollution problem is not the only plan to make China's smog
Make the city more livable.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced the "war on pollution" and promised to punish regional and local officials who did not fully control air pollution, the government's efforts to protect the health of Chinese citizens are also growing to keep pace with rapid urbanization and subsequent air quality declines.
But as China's recent "air pollution" and the situation seems to be getting worse and worse in January 2013, is it really possible for the government to win the war to save China's mega city?
Liu Jiandong, visiting assistant professor of economics, Changjiang Business School ,(CKGSB)
Believe that this is not only possible, but also very likely.
Liu-China Macroeconomic Research expert-
The data on air pollution levels assume that overall data and recent government policies indicate that levels of air pollution, especially those of toxic pollutants, are falling.
He pointed out several key factors that caused air pollution-cars, coal and industry-and the government's rule over these core contributors, indicating that air quality is improving, and will continue to improve over previous levels.
Liu also revealed that one of the most serious pollutants has been reduced.
Sulfur dioxide has decreased by nearly 70% over the past decade, a significant improvement.
Although it is difficult to ignore 71 of China's 74 cities that do not meet air quality standards, Liu explained in an exclusive interview with CKGSB Knowledge why China is about to undergo a transformation, the current air pollution can even provide a new opportunity for foreign companies to establish their position in this fast-growing market.
CKGSB Knowledge: who is dealing with these pollution issues and how are they dealing with them?
Liu: look at the solution. you must know the source.
Cars, coal and industry are the top three contributors.
Heavy industries that are heavily polluted may be a major cause of air pollution, as well as smaller industries.
Building, burning garbage and even grilling can be a major cause of air pollution.
In every area, the Chinese government is trying to cut those areas.
In terms of cars, for example, some Chinese cities have recently imposed car restrictions, and before people buy cars, they must first win the right to do so.
They either have to take part in the auction, buy the license plate in the auction, or they have to win the lottery.
My own research shows that the number of cars in Beijing will be reduced by 10% by 2020.
Therefore, this will lead to a significant reduction in the number of cars in the coming decades.
In addition, the Chinese government is also trying to remove 5 million vehicles on the roads that are the most polluted, with 330,000 vehicles in Beijing alone.
Because it is removing many of the most polluted [vehicles]
We should see improvements in pollution, at least in the form of pollution emitted by cars.
The second form of pollution is coal.
The Chinese government recently imposed a technology to remove the most severe sulfur dioxide from the sulfur dioxide emitted by coal-fired power plants.
It allows the release of cleaner from power generation.
We have seen a sharp improvement in sulfur dioxide nationwide, which has led to a decrease in acid rain and a decrease in the damage to people's health.
The third area is heavy industry.
Here, I think the best solution is to remove heavy industry from areas where people live. In [a way]
Perfect [sense].
Beijing recently ordered 53 polluting companies to leave Beijing.
CK: you don't think the public knows what the result is for this PM 2? 5 issue?
Anthony: one of the most exciting and important developments in the past few years is the increased amount of information that people can get.
The Chinese government has increased the number of air monitors and the frequency at which these air monitors publish data at an exponential rate.
So now ordinary Chinese citizens can see the air quality in their area for the first time in real time.
The increase in the amount of information does increase the participation of ordinary citizens, because people can adjust their plans according to the quality of air.
It does improve people's quality of life in terms of air pollution.
CK: how about PM 2?
Influence the international relations between China and regional countries?
Anthony: China's air pollution has caused serious losses to its neighbors.
Countries such as South Korea, Japan and the Philippines have been severely affected by air pollution in China.
A study of California pollution found that one quarter of a pollutant can be attributed to a pollutant that only occurs in China.
So, even across the Pacific, air pollution can spread all the way to the United States.
Therefore, China's relations with its neighbors will certainly be negatively affected.
This is not to say that there is no chance.
China's environmental problems have created great opportunities for it to engage [in]
Win international reputation.
For example, China is currently the number one emitter of greenhouse gases.
Obama recently launched a 30% reduction plan for power plants in the United States. The next day, China announced that by 2016, China will begin to limit its carbon dioxide emissions.
As China's emissions are growing fastest, this is considered a major change in climate change negotiations.
Therefore, with China's status as the number one greenhouse gas emitter and the number one polluting country, there are great opportunities.
CK: Is there a business opportunity for foreign companies in PM 2?
5 emissions and problems?
Anthony: When I think of business opportunities in the field of environmental quality, I think of two main questions: willing to pay for products or services that can improve the quality of the environment, and who is best able to get this value.
The answer to these two questions is very clear.
"People have shown their willingness to buy [for air quality]out]
For personal protection, air mask, in-
Indoor air purifier, equipment used to prevent air pollution problems.
This is closely related to the second question, which companies are best suited to benefit.
International companies are now more capable of acquiring value from environmental goods, because the primary issue of acquiring environmental value is trust.
International brands have an advantage because they are more trusted than many domestic brands.
With a higher level of trust in international brands, companies like Johnson & Johnson, General Electric and Siemens have the potential to well capture part of the environmental services market.
If they enter the market to improve people's health and provide benefits that people can't find from the domestic market, these companies will have huge business opportunities.
CK: under this PM 2, what unexpected businesses will flourish. 5 situation?
Anthony: some companies benefit directly, some indirectly.
For air purifiers, I consider this section more broadly, from small air purifiers that can clean up rooms to large air purifiers in apartment buildings or office spaces.
There is very clear room for these types of companies, but there are many types of companies that will indirectly benefit from air quality issues ,[such as]
Gas Company.
Although China has huge natural resources, it cannot burn coal recklessly.
It will move from coal to natural gas, another major cost-effective source of power generation.
So I hope the gas companies are doing a good job and the nuclear and alternative energy companies are doing a good job.
On the consumer side, I think holiday planning will be a big industry.
When people think about vacation destinations, they think about going to islands and places where the air is cleaner.
Many of them have already advertised how clean they [are]are]
Compared to many big cities, I think this will be an increasing attraction for those who want to stay away from the city.
I think the other area that is heavily affected by air quality is real estate.
As people enjoy the environmental facilities in these areas, real estate and real estate in cleaner cities will do better.
To read the full interview with Anthony Liu, please click here.
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