china builds world’s largest air freshener to tackle dangerous pollution - what's the best air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-10-15
china builds world’s largest air freshener to tackle dangerous pollution  -  what\'s the best air purifier
Chinese engineers have built the world's largest air purifier and claim it has reduced pollution in a notorious smog city. The 100-
The Mitta in the northern city of Xi'an sucked in the dirty air and then passed through several clean layers.
Cao Junji, an engineer who led the project, said that this huge air freshener can clean up air within 10 square kilometers (3. 86 square miles).
"In terms of size, this tower has no peers . . . . . . The result is very encouraging, Xi'an has become very polluted in winter because it depends on coal
Burning power station.
Air freshener uses solar energy to transport dirty air through the cleaning mechanism, which is very effective and can work in cold weather.
It can chew 10 million cubic meters of polluted air every day.
When it starts running, it can reduce the level of serious pollution to a medium level.
'I really feel better,' said one restaurant manager. He believes the tower has a positive impact on the smog in her city.
Now, Cao and his team are hoping to build a bigger Tower, 500 metres high, in other cities.
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