chihuahua nonchalantly uses neck massager - neck massager with heat

by:Yovog     2022-11-19
chihuahua nonchalantly uses neck massager  -  neck massager with heat
Yesterday, we mistakenly identified the cat as the most relaxed animal on the Internet, with a small frog balancing its head.
Scroll down to watch the video, which is a serious mistake as this Chihuahua is clearly at least seventeen times more than cold.
Look at him, when he stuffed the documents of the day in, lay on the bed, take a day to run out of the living room, then go in, and then go out again, lighten the burden.
In the background of the R & B soundtrack, the massage would have a somewhat shabby peeping atmosphere, as one viewer pointed out, "Scandal: he didn't wear any pants under the newspaper.
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