chemical composition of peganum harmala smoke and volatile oil - air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-07-21
chemical composition of peganum harmala smoke and volatile oil  -  air purifier
Smoke is traditionally used as a disinfectant and air purifier in the Middle East and Asian countries.
Here a simple, repeatable method is used to collect smoke and analyze the chemical composition of its smoke and volatile oil.
Main components of P
Hamala smoke is alpha-pinene (60. 4 %), limonene (6. 4 %)and styrene (4. 2 %)
The volatile components are α-pinene (72. 6 %), trans-verbenole (3. 9 %)and sabinene (2. 6 %).
Styrene and some other components with potential antibacterial and immune regulatory activity were found in the smoke, but were not found in volatile oils.
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