ces 2017: pollution-fighting scarf 'could help london cyclists' - air purifier no filter

by:Yovog     2020-11-30
ces 2017: pollution-fighting scarf \'could help london cyclists\'  -  air purifier no filter
A pollution-
The company's inventor said today that the fighting scarf unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show could help cyclists in London breathe more easily.
Wair's founder and CEO, Caroline Van Renterghem, was inspired to design a wearable air purifier after struggling to breathe while cycling in Paris.
Since the retail price is around £ 130, the shielding feature of this active device is a filter that sends data to the app and makes suggestions on routes that are less polluting.
It is said that the prototype can remove less pollutants than the deadly pm2. 5. 5 particles.
Van Renqin, 30, MS, said: "We were inspired by diving equipment.
"It's good to ride a bike in London.
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