celebrating 100,000 mark in style - household air purifiers

by:Yovog     2020-05-17
celebrating 100,000 mark in style  -  household air purifiers
More than 1,000 employees celebrate cuckoo International (MAL)
Since its establishment in 2014, Sdn Bhd has achieved more than 100,000 customers.
Appliance companies celebrate this milestone with a special event in the grand ballroom of a city in Subang Jaya.
The company's support team participated in the event with overseas partners from Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore.
In the opening speech of cuckoo International (MAL)
KC Hoe, CEO of Sdn Bhd, thanked all stakeholders for their support to achieve amazing performance in less than three years.
"Due to the strong and focused team of the company and the trust of our customers, we have successfully achieved this milestone," Hoe said . ".
He added that although cuckoo is a young company, it is very bold in trying to become a more capable company.
"When the company was founded in October 2014, our goal was to reach a customer base of 10,000, but we reached 20,000.
"We target 50,000 customers for 2016 and we reach 80,000 again.
"We have 100,000 customers as of April and are still growing.
"My dream this year is to have a big celebration when we have 200,000 customers," Hoe said, with thunderous cheers and applause from the ballroom.
With Jishi, the company launched the "Bugu Wang good plan", allowing users to have a top-level water purifier worth RM3, with a minimum of 500 yuan per month, and enjoy the full-range signature service of cuckoo.
"The new plan is another step in the cuckoo mission to ensure a clean, healthy and gentle environment for every Malaysian family --
Drinking alkaline drinking water even during difficult economic times.
"We will continue to provide better products and plans to meet the needs of every consumer with better prices and flexibility to help them create a healthy home for their families," Hoe said . ".
In addition to water purifiers, filters, regular maintenance services and warranty provided every four months by the brand's natural Doctresses, the latest plan allows users the flexibility to choose a package with a contract term and monthly fee that best suits their individual needs.
To mark this special occasion, Chen Peng, the national badminton player, and his family, along with actress Diana Danielle, actor Farid Camille, and their children, were appointed friends of cuckoo, the two families can be seen in the brand's latest TV commercials.
Cuckoo is the leading home appliance brand in Korea, focusing on water purifier, air purifier and pressurecookers.
The brand has influence in more than 30 countries on five continents, and so far it has 130 brand stores in Malaysia.
For more information, please visit www. cuckoo. com.
My Facebook page or cuckoo International.
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