can delhi ever clean up its foul air? - top quality air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-04-02
can delhi ever clean up its foul air?  -  top quality air purifiers
The increasing suffering and anger over Delhi's air pollution once again gives a feeling of deja vu.
With the arrival of the still fragile winter, the air quality in the Indian capital has once again become alarming.
Particulate matter-
Such small particles can be taken deep into the lungs.
A toxic mixture of nitrogen oxides, ozone, benzene, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide hangs over the world's most polluted city.
Your reporter is no exception.
With the deterioration of air quality, public anger over air quality has risen sharply.
Foreigners worry again
It is reported that Norway is considering classifying the city as "difficult" due to increasing air pollution"
Outdoor activities are suspended at international schools.
A court questioned whether Delhi had become a "gas chamber ".
To be honest, the world's fifth largest city has become a "gas chamber" in winter for a long time ".
We all know what is causing dirty air in Delhi: diesel emissions, building dust, brick kilns, burning crop stubble on farms around the city.
We know the city is eight years old.
5 million cars
Delhi adds 1,400 new cars to crowded streets every day
Is the main cause of pollution.
Fuel subsidies mean people buy more diesel vehicles.
A thorough 2012 study found that a considerable number of children in the city suffered from impaired lung function.
In the winter, the proportion of respiratory distress patients received in the emergency ward of the hospital is too high.
We know that about 15 years ago, the air in Delhi was greatly purified.
It moved the polluting industry out of cities, bringing in the world's largest natural gas.
Public transport-based programmes limit the number of years of operating commercial vehicles to 15 years and set strict emission standards. Euro 4 -
Start building efficient subways and some bike lanes.
The air quality was improved immediately.
We also know that, about eight years ago, everything began to go backwards.
Delhi forgot the second one. generation -
What's more difficult is
Fight against air pollution.
Last year, we even made a report on why Delhi lost the clean air war.
The Center for Science and Environment in Delhi last winter (CSE)
The company, which monitors air quality, found that between October and December, 12 "smog" occurred in the city for more than three consecutive days ".
This is when the level of PM2.
The five most harmful particles to health are always higher than 250 micrograms per cubic meter, more than four times the local recommendation.
This year, since the first week of October, there have been 7-
Increased Pm2 time. 5 levels.
On the other hand, over the years, Beijing, another city that competes with Delhi in doubt, has set higher emission standards, limiting car sales in the city, banning the use of diesel vehicles, and taking emergency actions to pollute.
"We cannot maintain that momentum.
"There is no positive pollution control," said Anumita roychowdhuri, CSE executive director . ".
By the way, we also know what needs to be done in Delhi to clean the air.
The city needs to expand public transport, clean up congestion around the subway station and improve the last mile connection between the station and the community.
The congestion tax, which makes parking more expensive, will help ease the city's reliance on cars.
Cutting diesel subsidies or raising taxes on diesel vehicles could help.
The government should take urgent action to reduce high emissions. pollution days.
So what is Delhi doing after the latest round of pollution?
Angry this winter?
As usual, this is chaotic.
The local government was dazed by angry media and uneasy judges, many saying it was a knee
Jerk reaction proposes that private cars with odd and even numbers are allowed to operate only on the next day to curb pollution.
No one knows how to implement the plan in a chaotic city of 18 million people.
More wisely, it proposes to shut down power plants, vacuum clean roads, limit the movement of trucks, and ban parking on certain roads.
"But once winter comes, we will be back to normal by the end of January.
"No one will talk about pollution again," said Ritwick Dutta, an environmental lawyer . ".
Delhi did not keep the air clean, reflecting the problems faced by the country in carrying out root and branch reforms.
Because difficult decisions require positive collective action.
The use of air purifiers and masks does not solve this problem. Delhi -
Other parts of India-
Serious implementation of a comprehensive clean air law dating back to 1981 was needed, but was hampered by poor implementation.
As one of the lawyers told me, under this law, there is no conviction, which proposes a minimum penalty of 18 months for the offender.
Successive governments have been reluctant to cut subsidies that ultimately benefit the rich.
"But all politicians are concerned about strong public opposition to unpopular decisions," said MS Roy Chowdhury.
Then there is equity.
Many believe that Delhi will eventually "export pollution" to its neighbors and cities ".
Last week, the national green court asked the government if old Delhi cars could be transferred to less polluted cities.
Many people believe that Delhi's wide roads and few sidewalks are a city that does not meet the needs of the poor.
Only 10% of Delhi's residents drive to work, and many car owners are reluctant to use public transport.
Allocate more space for the parking lot (23 sqm)than to low-
Housing costs for poor people (18-25 sqm).
The media is not very helpful either.
When farm fires near Punjab eventually pollute Delhi's air, there is little report on how these fires first affect the lives of the people of Punjab.
The increase in air pollution is a national disaster, but it is often seen by the media and policymakers as a problem in Delhi.
13 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in India.
What about the other 12?
Delhi should be awake.
Call the rest of the country.
However, it will be self-inflicted to ignore others or pass on pollution to neighboring countries.
Mr. Dutta said.
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