Cameron Douglas Pleads Guilty to Meth Rap - top electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-11-24
Cameron Douglas Pleads Guilty to Meth Rap  -  top electric toothbrush
The hard-
Lucky Michael Douglas's son admitted on Wednesday that he was arrested last year for selling tons of meth and cocaine at a trendy Manhattan hotel.
Cameron Douglas, 31, told a judge that a New York contact first asked him if he could rate drugs in 2006.
After that, "I started to supply on a regular basis.
The judge asked him if he knew what he had done wrong and he replied, "Yes, your Honour.
Prosecutors said Douglas had signed a plea agreement but details were not disclosed.
Trend News google Cloud outagemailing shooting at mom Virginia Beach in Connecticut protesters interrupted Harris in addition to plotting to distribute drugs, and Douglas admitted to possession of heroin-
The charge stems from allegations that his girlfriend tried to smuggle drugs into him with an electric toothbrush while he was under house arrest.
He has to face at least 10-
Sentenced to one year in prison on April 27.
"I think he handled it well in this case," defense attorney Nicholas DeFeis said after the jailed client pleaded guilty.
Oscar's son-
The winning actor was arrested in July 28, 2009 at the Fashion Hotel Gansevoort as part of a drug law enforcement investigation.
A criminal suit drafted last year by a DEA agent said the charges were based on information provided by three anonymous meth users and dealers. The users -
Including people who used to work for Cameron Douglas.
Pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the investigation.
Investigators say Douglas was paid tens of thousands of dollars for selling meth.
The "pastry" or "bath salt" he mentioned in the interception call ".
Court documents said: "Cash and drugs are usually exchanged from coast to coast by shippers such as FedEx.
Cameron Douglas starred in the 2003 film family run, starring his father and grandfather Kirk Douglas.
On 2007, he was also arrested in California on charges of possession of cocaine.
His lawyer then said that the officer who arrested him did not do his job well.
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