Burger King ‘O.K. Google’ Ad Doesn’t Seem O.K. With Google - home beauty device

by:Yovog     2021-08-04
Burger King ‘O.K. Google’ Ad Doesn’t Seem O.K. With Google  -  home beauty device
Google appeared to have blocked a marketing gimmick for Burger King on Wednesday, which launched a television ad aimed at prompting the voice --
Activate the Google device to describe its burger.
A video from Burger King's marketing agency shows the implementation of the plan: "You are watching a 15-
Unfortunately, the second Burger King ad doesn't have enough time to explain all the fresh ingredients in the Huber sandwich, "said the actor in the commercial.
"But I have an idea. O. K.
Google, what's a burger?
Prompted by the phrase "O. K.
The Google Home device next to the TV lights up in the video, searched the phrase on Wikipedia and illustrated the ingredients.
But within a few hours of advertising
Humorous editor of prank user to Wikipedia page
Tests by Verge and BuzzFeed show that the ad has stopped activating the device.
Burger King, who did not cooperate with Google in advertising, said Google appeared to have made a change by Wednesday afternoon to prevent business from waking up the devices, which is equivalent to an unusual corporate war in the living room.
Google had previously said it had not sought comment on the event but did not respond to requests for comment.
It is not clear whether Burger King can change some ads that will be aired on Wednesday during the "Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live.
"And other programs to address any changes.
Burger King's strategy is novel, but it has attracted attention, especially as more Americans use smart speakers at home, led by Amazon's Echo device and its virtual assistant Alexa. While internet-
Connected gadgets are well received by the screen
The free convenience they offer also raises questions about security and privacy.
Bob Gilbreath, head of Cincinnati marketing technology company Ahalogy, said Burger King's stunt posed risks to Google, which launched Home in November, given that the appliance is "new and unknown" to the vast majority of people ".
"Most people don't trust advertising and it's terrible to have advertisers constantly listen to what's going on in our home," he said . ".
Amazon and Google say their speakers only deal with people's speeches after registering certain "wake-up words" (such as "Alexa" or "O. K.
Burger King uses Google.
"As consumers start to buy smart system devices and use them at home, we think it's a great way to connect and get in touch with guests directly to tell the story of our products, burger King president Jose Hill said in an interview Wednesday morning.
When asked if he was worried that consumers might find ads intrusive,
The committee said, "We consider the guest's views and their views on how we interact with them, but in general, we think this is a very positive way to get in touch with them.
"Wh advertising is the second example of marketers using Home last month, and it is worth noting that Google is the largest advertising seller on the Internet.
A few weeks ago, some devices, after the weather forecast and handling conditions, apparently had a short, unexpected promotion for Disney's new film Beauty And The Beast.
A Google spokesman said Disney's promotion was "not intended to be an advertisement", but to provide daily information to Google's home users and sometimes share part of the "timely content" feature.
"We are continuing to try new ways to present unique content to users, and in this case we could have done better," she added . ".
More often than not, companies are trying to avoid waking devices through television.
Recently, Google's Super Bowl ad accidentally detonated some speakers.
On January, an article on a TV station was 6-year-
Old girl accidentally purchased a toy house through Amazon Echo, using the name "Alexa", inadvertently triggering a round of trial orders for viewers.
Amazon said in an email that Amazon operates a number of TV commercials using the name "Alexa", "taking into account the nature of the farfield wake-
Word technology, live discussions about Echo and Alexa can triggerDevice response.
It said it changed Alexa ads to "minimize Echo devices for false responses in customers' homes ".
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