build a simple marx generator - top rated air purifiers

by:Yovog     2020-09-08
build a simple marx generator  -  top rated air purifiers
The Marx generator consists of resistors, capacitors, and spark gaps, as shown below in the schematic diagram. . .
Capacitors are charged in parallel through resistors, so they are each charged to the input voltage.
When all the spark gaps are excited (sparks)
, The capacitor is effectively connected in series, so multiply the input voltage by the number of capacitors and generate a long spark at the end of the marx generator.
Rb has a calender effect to prevent the formation of a continuous arc in the first gap
This prevented the further launch of the Marx generator.
The value of the resistor will depend mainly on the type of power supply used, in which case we will use the 10 m resistor as this marx generator in this instruction manual.
However, you can lower the value of Bb and try to get more "bangs per second" without causing the spark gap to form an arc ". . .
Now, you know how it works (I hope)
Let's build it!
Marx generators are dangerous high voltage generators that generate thousands of volts of pulse discharge at a voltage of about 5 to 10 am ps!
If the spark of the Marx generator bites you, your life is over. . .
One thing you have to know is that a healthy person's heart can only withstand a maximum of 10 mA of the current.
More than 10 mA of the current can lead to death, I'm not kidding here, it's serious and a lot of people think your heart can handle up to 500 mA of the current, it's not true! ! ! THEY ARE WRONG! ! !
If you don't believe me, test yourself with a high voltage 500 mA power supply, a small microwave transformer is fine, put your hand on a lead, put your other hand on the other lead and turn on the power and you will be sorry. . .
After a power outage, the marx generator will also be dangerous because the capacitor will contain a fatal charge in it, so make absolutely sure to exhaust all the capacitors before touching the device! ! !
Otherwise, you will be hit by the "unexpected" of the capacitor, which can seriously hurt you or even die. . .
In addition, every time the Marx generator fires (make a spark)
It can stimulate a lot of ultraviolet radiation and sometimes produce X-rays!
Staring at the sparks generated by the Marx generator can cause problems in your eyes, so wear UV sunglasses or watch them briefly every once in a while.
If you want to be safe, use laser protective glasses, it will take out almost all the UV rays from the spark, you may not see the spark, but it is better for your eyes.
OK, you might be a little scared after reading this horrible step, so do you think you can build a Marx generator?
Or find it too dangerous to build it?
This is your choice. . .
You need tools too!
What you really need is a soldering iron!
Or you will feel pain during the time you build the marx generator, because the corona discharge, you will get very bad results. . .
You need a helper who is very useful to you and they help you get the job done faster.
Do one if you don't!
The recycled welded HelperHot glue gun is also very convenient, it can put everything in place.
You may need other common tools for this project. . .
Marx needs a low generator.
4-current, high voltage DC in the range
8KV power supply. Small, low-
The current high voltage power supply is in such as ionisers (air purifiers)
Copiers and laser printers should be appropriate.
I made my own 6Kv power supply for my marx generator.
My power supply is a small self-made 450 v inverter with an 18-stage voltage multiplier to get a voltage of about 7Kv.
Alternatively, you can do your own power supply for your marx generator, go to this note: the high voltage power supply for the Marx generator also has no polarity and you can connect it to the high voltage power supply in any way.
Depending on the way you want the Marx generator, I will tell you how I did it. . .
I will stick the capacitor to the base first.
I then weld the 1 m resistor on the capacitor with my handy assistant's hand and cut off the lead of the excess resistor.
But I have not lowered the lead of the capacitor and you will see the reason in the next step. . .
Then I welded 4. Resistance at 7 m.
One more thing, make sure you have good solder joints, and make sure that they don't have spikes on the Marx generator in addition to the lead of the capacitor and the high voltage output of the Marx generator.
Otherwise, having a pointed head on the marx generator will cause discharge, which will reduce the performance of the marx generator.
OK, once you weld the capacitor and the resistor together, you need to make the spark gap.
This is the role of the capacitor lead to make the spark gap larger!
OK, so bend the lead to "V" and bend the end of the "V" lead about 2mm (about 0. 08 inch)close together.
But don't close the tip of the lead, which will cause a lot of discharge, and the performance of your marx generator will be very poor, or it may never work. . .
Well, you 've built a Marx generator and it's time to test it!
Connect the marx generator to the high voltage power supply and flip the switch! 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .
* Flip switch * and. . . . .
If there is a problem with your marker generator, please read here. . . Q. -
There was no spark from my Marx generator, but I heard a faint hiss and/or a faint click and sometimes saw a purple glow. A. -
This is a good thing, your Marx generator is working, but one or more gaps may be too far apart to bring them closer.
If the gap is too close, especially near the power end, continuous arc formation may occur to prevent further operation.
The first to increase the gap (
Probably the second time.
Stages may reduce the trend of arcs.
At the expense of a slower charging time, it is also helpful to increase the ballast resistor Rb. Q. -
My Marx Generator did nothing. A. -
Is there a problem with the inverter?
Check it to see if it works. A. -
Are you sure you built the Marx generator? A. -
Did you miss any contact? Q. -
My marx generator is working but after a few seconds it makes a "POP" noise and it doesn't work anymore. . . A. -
This is a bad sign that the capacitor may have been damaged by excessive voltage, or that your high voltage power supply has been destroyed by the extremely high voltage spikes of the marx generator.
Replace the capacitor/inverter and don't make the same mistake again. . .
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