Brushing up - best electric toothbrush on the market

by:Yovog     2022-02-27
Brushing up  -  best electric toothbrush on the market
My electric toothbrush is great.
Twice a day, it swings and vibrates in the most effective way, polishing my canine and molars teeth.
It also looked at a part.
Its smooth silhouette matches the interior of my smallest marble bathroom made in heaven.
It only let me down once when the juice ran out, even though it was my fault not charging.
But really, it's good for me.
That said, before my last date at the dentist, I grinned proudly, hoping she would praise my sparkling smile.
"Sarah, are you using an electric toothbrush?
"If you are not careful, your gums will continue to subside," Dr. Beeta Salek warned . "
Haddadi, cosmetic dentist with smile solution.
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