beyond vw scandal: home appliance industry no stranger to tricks - home appliance manufacturer

by:Yovog     2019-08-20
beyond vw scandal: home appliance industry no stranger to tricks  -  home appliance manufacturer
Volkswagen's emissions scandal is the latest example of the industry's long-standing evasion of safety or environmental rules, and regulators are now vowing to build stricter tests.
Manufacturers of consumer appliances and electronics are on a similar path, but strict federal standards and frequent testing make it harder for manufacturers to bypass the rules.
Still, consumer groups and advocates say regulators must remain vigilant, as technological change and innovation often outpace federal standards.
Common household appliances are more than ever, adding many features but also providing the possibility of cheating.
Last week, for example, Samsung denied some of its highs.
Define TV using less energy under test conditions than in real caseslife use.
This is after the EU.
The funded laboratory raised the question of whether the function known as "motion lighting" was intended for energy efficiency testing.
Samsung says the technology darkens the brightness of the screen in some cases, a "outdated technology"of-the-
Both at home and during testing, the box function "remains open.
The feature "is not a test-
In a statement posted online, the company said cheating "and helping to save energy.
Noah Horowitz, an energy efficiency expert at the Natural Resources Conservation Commission, said advanced controls and other types of electronics in many consumer devices and appliances have increased the possibility of a manufacturer's prank.
"The public has attracted everyone's attention . "Horowitz said.
"The reality is that in many products, whether electrical appliances, electronics or television, more and more control and minicomputer are being manufactured, and this technology makes it possible for game testing.
"Our test methods need to be smarter and more resistant to the game," he added . "”Mr.
Horowitz says his team is in the new super high
The definition of television, also known as the United StatesH. D.
That is, 4 k TV, also announced what he called unusual behavior on one of the models sold in the United States. Mr.
Horowitz will not identify the manufacturer until further testing is carried out, but he said that the energy consumption during regular use and testing varies greatly.
"Since this is still a work in progress, we should not name the manufacturer now," he said . ".
Cheating is not unheard. of.
5 years ago, LG used so-
An avoidance device called starting Energy
Save mode when test conditions are detected.
This deception means that the refrigerator needs a lot less energy in its daily use.
After this finding, LG was forced to strip the Energy Star label from these models in 2010 and agreed to compensate consumers to make up for the difference they paid on electricity bills.
But researchers and energy efficiency advocates say the likelihood of such fraud seems more limited today.
Jennifer Amman, director of construction projects, US Energy Council
The Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Trade Commission are all responsible for the implementation of energy standards, and they say the efficient economy has improved compliance and monitoring in recent years.
"A lot of work has been done to ensure that the test program limits the chances of the game, but also tests that are more reflective of the situation in the field," Ms. Amann said.
Five years ago, the Energy Star project was severely criticized for rubber.
Stamping products without proper review.
A report from the Government Accountability Bureau found that the project had been awarded labels to non-existent products submitted by auditors, including gasoline
Power clock and space heater with feather duster.
Since then, the Energy Star certified by the Environmental Protection Bureau has strengthened the certification system and established a third-party network.
Testing and re-testing of the party
According to the consumer advocacy group and the manufacturer representative, its credibility has been established.
The project identified the maximum energy.
Efficient products in their category, a major selling point for manufacturers eager to apply for labels.
However, unlike the standards of automakers, the Energy Star program is voluntary.
"Even as a voluntary program, it is very successful," said Mark Connelly, senior director of consumer reporting product testing.
"It really simplifies things and that's why it's so efficient.
Because consumers like this simplicity, manufacturers are really trying to get their products to the Energy Star standard.
"Mark Cooper, director of research at the American consumers Federation, praised the changes in the project.
"There is no doubt that the standard project is very effective and --
"The performance standards of the design are very effective," he said . ".
"For most of these products, the supervision of government agencies is very strict, and the implementation of crowdsourcing is also very important.
"At the same time, DOE has strengthened the testing and compliance methods of the minimum energy standards, which are different from the Energy Star program and must meet these standards for refrigerator manufacturers, air-
Air conditioners, dishwashers, heaters and many other appliances that account for 90% of household energy use.
Environmental Protection Department conducts routine market
For example, performance testing to check the manufacturer's claim under the Energy Star program.
The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Energy have also increased their activity to impose fines on manufacturers who are falsely reported.
Catherine Hogan, deputy assistant minister of energy, said the department has tested more than 2010 products since 4,500 and found that 500 of the products do not meet federal standards.
These tests are part of the Obama administration's main efforts to strengthen monitoring and supervision and improve energy conditions.
Efficiency plan.
Doe has also completed new efficiency standards for more than 30 household and commercial products including dishwashers, refrigerators and water heaters.
The department estimates that this will save consumers nearly $522 billion by 2030.
"Consumers can be very confident in the efficiency of the appliances they buy," said Joseph McGuire, chairman of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers of industry trade groups.
He warned that regulators need to develop standards and test procedures that manufacturers can implement repeatedly.
Government agencies can also rely on another aspect of the market itself.
Regulation: home appliance manufacturers often test competitors' products and check their efficiency and performance statements, according to researchers and officials.
The test standards have also been improved, updated every three years.
For example, a few years ago, the dishwasher test was mainly carried out with a clean plate.
But the modern dishwasher is equipped with sensors that can automatically adjust the washing cycle depending on how dirty the load is.
That means these new models seem to be much more efficient than when used at home, he said.
Connelly, the consumer report, testified in Congress about the topic.
This has also changed.
Now do the dishwasher test with dirty dishes.
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