better ways to spend £100bn - electrical appliance suppliers

by:Yovog     2023-04-18
better ways to spend £100bn  -  electrical appliance suppliers
The proposal from brian polardrichard Ellam is to invest in electric vehicles in the UK rather than buying offshore vehicles.
Launch of nuclear weapons (
Letter, February 6).
For 100 billion, we may be able to do better.
According to the cost of the prototype of the Gemasolar 24/7 solar power station near Madrid (
P 21, December 11, 2010)
Assuming that the price per watt is reduced by four times when building multiple larger units, the UK can use solar power stations in the Sahara desert to generate the entire peak power demand, plus wind power components.
This will include installing overclocking cables throughout the Mediterranean.
If the sales of electric vehicles are the same as those of today, prices will drop.
A subsidy of only £ 1 billion to encourage their use will reduce the cost of 100,000 cars by 20,000, after which prices will begin to decline.
So with our £ 100 billion we can get electric cars and all the other appliances in our homes and factories-our entire power supply goes to CO2.
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